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Do you feel you are living in the world where someone are looking and monitoring ,even controlling you? Do you think you just do the same thing day to day merely with the same process including sleep, waking up tirely, washing, eating some food, working reluctantly, again eating some food as quickly as possible,then keeping working, having a rest or reading some books you like, ending the trip of this day to again welcome the next duplicated day?

you are like a machine. you are the machine.

How terrible you life is. But if one day when getting up early, you found the world have changed, everything was fake such as your family, your priends, your career, would you be scared? would you be crazy? or would you feel happy to pursue the reality?

All this have had the answer. In 1998, the movie named the truman world has populared around the world. The super star, Jim carrey, played the leading role in this movie. His perfact perform was awarded the title of the best hero in 1998.

You should not let the movie pass. So, I listed the comments as following.


posted on 2005-05-30 13:44 c.c. 阅读(256) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

