You are living in the wretched isolation of the military far from the rest of society. You left your solitary parents to a distant and vulnerable desert to combat with somebody that you don't know who they are. You will give your life as sacrifice, even though you don't understand the reason of being at war.
When you died for nation, the minority were happy within the country. A report showed that among the 1,175 students who graduated from elite schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton last year, only eight went into the military. It is obvious that America's elite would prefer somebody else's daughter to die rather than one of their own sons.
It seems to be unfair. The military was not only controlled by the elite, but also sacrificed for them. Therefore, either you don't refuse to joining the army until the policy of fair recruit is taken out, or those elites who deliberately fled from the duty of joining the army are sent to the prison.
posted on 2005-06-13 17:13
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