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When hearing mom's voice that my grandma was being in hospital, I couldn't believe my ears.  She is more than 80-year-old, but infinitely healthy and energetic. Seeing from her appearance, you'll never guess her ago correctly.  However, I remember, one day, she was diagnosed hypertension several months ago. Facing this result, my family was discreet without panic, for there are an overwhelming majority of old people who have gotten this disease. After I went to the hospital, the doctors suggested that having an overall survey should be necessary for her, which would take her less than one week to stay in hospital. To our comfortable, the primary result in which there is no severe symptom about her have risen. 

Moreover, with the disease rates soaring, health advocates are stepping up effors to warn the old of the dangers of eating over fatness foods. I wish the old can raise awareness about the disease and take precautions according the docter's suggestion.

At last, I bless my grandma to become healthier as quickly as possible.
posted on 2005-06-29 17:14 c.c. 阅读(447) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

