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Although failing to pass the translation examination hold in this early year, I still deem that I have completed the mission . I got the grade of 54 in the translation part which is more than the most of translation practitioners who has working in this industry for several years. I am not only an undisputed amateur , but also never take apart in the any practice. However, when confronting competition, I am brave, confident and never suspect my ability in this field. Definitely, I like English, and I am fond of reading foreign news, learning their culture and appreciating their movie. But, I am not a zealous worshiper absolutely.

I've planned to keep trying to attend the examination. I trust that I have progressed in translation skills through the blog writing and enlarging the vocabulary during recent consecutive months.

posted on 2005-07-25 15:36 c.c. 阅读(1840) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

