As depicted in the picture, a blond, fashion and plump lady is appreciating the picture before her, in which a slim and charming young lady are making a fascinating pose. Under that picture , there is a new scale looked like never being touched or used. It’s unquestionable that the lady, who regard the picture as a mirror , prefer to imagine her unreal striking body rather than simply weight herself by that scale.
Any observer can find the implied meaning in the cartoon: people tend to be willing to deceive themselves by the false and imaginative reality , instead of revealing the true distant between the ideal and the real. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the fact that a candidate seemingly could not acknowledge his merits and the deficiency of working experience or the other skills, when he make an application for a job. Reports from the government can also be a good instance. From these reports, the invalid and exaggerated data constantly were illustrated by the authority as facts which could definitely prove their achievement during the period of serving for people. Moreover, people have reluctantly accustomed to those superficial situation, and distrust any proofs and felled to take reports seriously in nature.
Some people has begun to trace the root of this miserable fact, but more attention should be paid to avoid this falsehood. One must not only forbid himself not to deliberately or unconsciously cheating himself and other people, but also largely denounce and despise those with the disturbing and frustrating attitude , which may easily arise in the cheating behavious.
posted on 2005-12-02 00:45
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