Enumerable scientists indulged into the research of origination of human. Recent results disproved that mankind had originated in South Africa. however, some facts , according to archaeologists in the West , presented that Europe should be the center of mankind. Moreover, they argued that the oldest of humanity’s cultural pretensions should be European. Why are there so many different opinions about this problem?
The mainly reason, I think, is that nationalism urge many elites to promote this research. I ever heard about the arguments of origination of world war two, in which, different views of point emerged after the war: some people believed that because Europe was the main ground of war , it is inevitable that the time of German invading Netherlands should be the beginning of the war. But, some historian from Russia denied this ideal, insisting that the time of German invading Russia should be considered as the setout of the war. Even our country’s researcher suggested that the beginning of the war should be the time of Japan invading china. I don’t want to make it clear which is the validate conclusion, for in nature, the result of history is easy to be changed according to the various views and outlooks.
posted on 2006-02-05 23:18
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