Yesterday, I attented a lecture about jew or jewry, which was made by a American jew. To one’s surprise, I got knowledge what I desired to know for a long time.
Jew have a old and famous history. before 6000 years ago, a man created the first bible of jewry, but unfortunately, they have fought for their position thousand years. Almost 2000 years ago, the roman Empire,
, established a religion of Christianism according to Jewry. And then, he tried to sweep out all of jews, who were unwilling to change their mind to believe the new religion. The jew have to move and immigrate to all over the
, even
. Especially, when they arrive their traditional and original home ,
City of
, they were attacked by Arab, who have resided for a long time. Last century, jews at their homes in
were killed or destroyed once upon time due to racial discrimination. It was a tragic history, but conflictions between jewry and other nationality still go on. In 1970s, the nation union helped jews establishing a country of
, but nowadays, bombs and terrorist attacks happened everyday.
In the lecture, there was a special listener, with long bear, looked like 40 yeas old, who is a Arab in
. With his poor Oral English, he asked some questions about why there are so many wars against
and Jewry. One of three jews in the lecture argued that all jews just want to have a country and homes, and they are welcome to all the other people living their country , but the Arab people hate jews, then the war had to be proceed. Obviously, this answer felled to satisfied that Arab man, but this conversation full of disrespect was suspended.
posted on 2007-01-04 23:55
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