comes from venire,the Latin verb meaning 'come'. To intervene in a case or an argument is to 'come between' the two opponents.
An avenue is a street ,or originally an access road by which to 'come toward' something.
Groups 'come together' at a convention.
advent, provenance起源, venturesome危险的, venue集合地点
comes from currere, the Latin verb meaning 'to run'. Although the sense of speed may be lacking from words based on this root, the sense of movement remains. Current, for instance, refers to running water in a stream or river. And an excursion is a trip from one place to another.
concurrent 并发的, cursory 匆匆忙忙的, discursive, precursor
comes from the Latin tempus, meaning 'time.' The Latin phrase tempus fugit means 'time flies,' an observation that somehow seems more true during summer vacation than in the dead of winter.
A temporary repair is meant to last only a short time.
The tempo, or speed, of a country-and- western ballad is usually different form that of a heavy metal song.
contemporary, extemporaneous临时的, temporal暂时的, temporize见风驶舵
posted on 2005-06-28 15:14
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