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comes from the Latin docere, which means 'to teach.' A doctor is a highly educated person capable
of instructing others in the doctrines, or basic principles, of his or her field-which is not necessarilly medicine.
doctrine, docile容易教的, doctrinaire教条主义者, indoctrinate教育,diction,dictum,dictator
from the Latin verb ducere,'to lead,' shows up constantly in English. Duke means basically 'leader.'
The Italian dictator Mussolini was known simply as 'II Duce.' But such words as produce and reduce also contain the root, even though their meanings show it less clearly.
conducive 有益于, deduction 推论, 演绎, induce 导致, seduction诱惑 , education, conductor经理
comes from the Latin word hospes and its stem hospit- meaning both 'host' and 'guest.' Many words
based on it came to English through French,which often dropped the -pi-,leaving host-.Hospitality
was once a house for religious pilgrims and other travelers,or a home for the aged.
, hospice 济贫院, hostel, inhospitable 不好客的
posted on 2005-06-30 09:22 c.c. 阅读(252) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

