comes from the Latin words for 'prove or proof' and 'honesty or integrity.' To prove a statement is to 'make it honest,' and probate court is where the genuineness of the wills of deceased people must be proved.
approbation认可, disprove反驳, probity正直, reprobate 拒绝
comes from the Latin word meaning 'heavy,weighty,serious.'Thus,a grave matter is serious and important.
gravid 怀孕的, gravitas庄严, gravitata, gravity重心
comes from the Latin for 'fault or crime' or 'accusation,' and produces such English words as crime and criminal.
criminology, decriminalize合法化, incriminate 控告, recrimination 反责
comes from the Latin word amare,'to love.'Amiable means 'friendly or good-natured, ' and amigo is Spanish for 'friend.'
amicable友善的, enamored 倾心的, inimical敌意的, paramour情妇
posted on 2005-07-01 09:03
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