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comes from the Latin word rectus, which means 'straight' or 'right.' A rectangle is a four-sided figure whose parallel, straight sides meet at right angles. Rectus, short for Latin rectus musculus, may refer to any of several straight muscles, such as those of the abdomen. To correct something is to make it right.
rectitude 公正, rectify 调整,矫正, rectilinear, rector, direct, erect刚好的,适合的
comes from the Latin word meaning "war."Bellona was the little-known Roman goddess of war; her husband, Mars,was the god of war.
antebellum 战前的, bellicose 好战的, belligerence 好战, rebellion反叛
is related to the Latin words for "agree" and "peace." The Pacific Ocean-that is,the "Peaceful Ocean"-was named by Magellan because it seemed so calm after the storms near Capr Horn.(He obviously never witnessed a Pacific hurricane.)
pacify, pacifist, pact, appease 平息
posted on 2005-07-04 09:10 c.c. 阅读(322) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

