comes from the Latin adjective levis,meaning 'light' and the verb levare,meaning 'to raise or lighten.'Levitation is the magician's trick in which a body seems to rise into the air by itself.And a lever is a bar used to lift something by means of leverage.
alleviate, elevate, leavening, levity轻浮
comes from the Latin word for 'do,go, lead, drive'.An agenda is a list of things to be done.An agent is usually someone who does things on behalf of another,just as an agency is an office that does business for others.
agitate 煽动, litigate, synagogue 犹太教
comes from the Latin word for 'end' or 'boundary.' Final describes last things,and a finale or a finish is an ending .But its meaning is harder to trace in some of the other English words derived from it.
affinity, definitive最后的, infinitesimal, finite有限的
posted on 2005-07-05 09:27
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