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comes from the Greek word meaning 'warm'. A thermometer measures the amount of warmth in a body, the air, or an oven; a thermostat makes sure the temperature stays at the same level. In a thermodynamic process, heat affects the behavior of atoms,particles, or molecules. Thermoelectricity is produced by the direct action of heat on certain combinations of metals.
thermal热的, thermocline, thermocouple热电偶, thermonuclear高热原子核反应的
comes from polys, the Greek word for 'many,' Polysyllabic words, of which there are a few in this book, are words of many syllables. Polygamy is marriage in which one has many spouses, or at least more than the legal limit of one. A polygraph is an instrument for recording variations in many different bodily pulsations simultaneously to reveal whether someone is lying.
polychromatic多色的, polyglot通晓多种语言的人, polymer, polyphony多音
comes from primus, the Latin word for 'first'. Something that is primary is first in time,development,rank, or importance.A primer is a book of first instructions on a subject. A primate is a bishop or archbishop of the first
rank-but also a monkey or ape. Something primitive is in its first stage of development.Something primeval had its origin in the first period of world or human history.
primal最初的, primiparous, primogeniture长子继承权, primordial原始的
posted on 2005-07-08 09:57 c.c. 阅读(252) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

