is a Greek root from the word meaning 'wise ' or 'wisdom.' In our language, the root often appears in words where the wisdom concerned is of the 'wiseguy' variety. But in words such as philosophy we see a more respectful attitude toward wisdom.
sophistry诡辩, sophisticated诡辩的, sophomoric大二, theosophy
comes from homos, the Greek word for 'same.' In an English word it can mean 'one and the same' or 'similar' or 'alike', A homograph is one of two or more words spelled alike but different in meaning or derivation or pronunciation . A homosexual is a person who exhibits sexual desire toward others of the same sex.
homonym, homogeneous同类的, homologous相应的, homophone同音字
comes from Latin,where it means 'apart.' In English, its meanings have increased to include 'do the opposite of '(as in disestablish), 'deprive of ' (as in disfranchise), 'exclude or expel from'(disbar), 'the opposite or absence of'(disunion,disaffection),'not' (disagreeable),and 'completely'(disannul). The original meaning can still be seen in a word like dissipate, which means ' to break up and scatter.'
diffraction, dissension意见不同, disseminate传播, dissipate驱散
posted on 2005-07-11 11:47
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