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from the Latin verb vorare,means 'to eat'. The ending -ivorous shows up in words that refer to eaters of certain kinds of food. Frugivorous (for 'fruit-eating') are somewhat common.Some -ivorous words such as insectivorous and nectarivorous, are easy to understand at a glance. Others can get pretty complex; insects that feed on the sap of
plants,for instance,are phytosuccivorous.
carnivorous食肉的, herbivorous食草的, omnivorous杂食的, voracious
comes from the Latin carn-, the stem of caro, 'flesh,' and words including this root usually refer to flesh in some form. The word carnivore, for example,which we met in the preceding section, means 'an eater of meat.'
carnage大屠杀, carnal肉体的, carnival, incarnation
comes from credere, the Latin verb meaning 'to believe.' If something is credible it is believable,and if it is incredible it is almost unbelievable. We have a good credit rating when institutions believe in our ability to repay a loan, and we carry credentials so that others will believe we are who we say we are.
credence凭证, creditable, credulity轻信, creed信条
posted on 2005-07-12 09:42 c.c. 阅读(376) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

