comes from fides, the Latin word for faith. Fidelity is another word for 'faithfulness.' Confidence is having faith in someone or something .And an infidel is someone who lacks a particular kind of religious faith.
affidavit 宣誓书, diffident 缺乏自信的, fiduciary, perfidy 不诚实
comes from flectere, the Latin verb meaning 'to bend.' Things that are flexible can be bent. When light is reflected, it is bent and bounces back to us.
deflect使偏转, flexor, genuflect屈服, inflection变形
comes from a Latin word meaning 'after' or 'behind.' A postscript is a note that comes after an otherwise completed letter, usually as an afterthought. Postpartum refers to the period following childbirth and all of its related events and complications. To postdate a check is to five it a date after the day when it was written.
posterior 较晚的, posthumous死后的, postmodern, postmortem死后的
posted on 2005-07-13 16:42
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