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comes from Greek, where it means 'bad' or 'difficult.' As a prefix in English, it has the additional meanings 'abnormal' and 'impaired.' Dysphagia is difficult or labored swallowing, and dyspnea is difficult or labored breathing. Dysphasia, which literally means 'impaired speech,' refers to adisorder in which the ability to use and understand language is seriously impaired as a result of injury to or disease of the brain.
dysfunctional , dyslexia, dyspeptic, dystrophy
comes from a Latin word meaning 'to fill.' It can be seen in the word complete, meaning 'possessing all necessary parts.' The ple root has a Greek equivalent, pleth seen in the word plethora, which means 'multitude or abundance.'
complement补足物, deplete , implement, replete充满的
is derived from the Latin verb quaerere, meaning ' to seek or obtain.' You can see it in our word acquisitive, which means 'having a strong wish to possess things.' The roots quer,quir and ques are also derived from this word and give us words such as inquiry, ' a search or request for information,'and question,' something asked.'
inquisition , perquisite, acquisitive, requisition需求
posted on 2005-07-14 09:28 c.c. 阅读(284) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

