comes to us from Greek by way of Latin ; in both languages it refers to 'measure.' A thermometer measures heat; a perimeter is the measure arouund something ; and things that are isometric are equal in measure.
metric, odometer, symmetrical对称得, tachometer,
is the Latin root meaning 'sound,' as in our word sonata , meaning a kind of music usually played by one or two instruments, and sonorous,usually meaning full,loud, or rich in sound.
dissonant不和谐的 , resonance共鸣, sonic , ultrasound 超频音响
form the Latin verb errare, means 'to wander' to 'to stray.' This root is easily seen in the word error, which means a wandering or straying from what is correct or true. We also use the word erratum to mean ' a mistake' in a book or other printed material, its plural is errata ,and the errata page is the book page that lists mistakes found too late to correct before publication.
aberrant, errant不定的, erratic不稳定的, erroneous错误的
from the Latin verb cedere, meaning 'to go ' or 'to proceed,' produces many English words,from procession, meaning something that goes forward, to recession, which is a moving back or away.
accede, antecedent先辈 , concession让步, precedent 先例,preceding
posted on 2005-07-15 10:15
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