comes from the Latin verb videre , and apppears in words having to so with seeing and sight. A cideotape is a collection of visual images- that is ,images visible to our eyes. But this root does not always involve eyes. To envision something , for instance, is to see it with your imagination.
visage 面貌, visionary 幻想的, visitation访问
comes from the Latin verb specere or spicere, meaning ' to look at or behold.' Closely related is the root specta- which comes from a slightly different verb and produces such words as spectator , spectacles , and spectacular引人入胜.
auspicious幸运的, conspicuous显著的, introspection反省, perspicacious
from the Latin noun vox and the verb vocare, has to do with speaking and calling and the use of the voice. So a vocation is a special calling to a type of work; an evocative sight or smell calls forth memories and feelings; and a vocal ensemble is a singing group.
equivocate , irrevocable, provoke , vociferous
is a Greek root meaning 'sound,' 'voice,' or 'speech.' It is similar to the Latin voc in meaning out typically means only 'sound' when used in such words as telephone(far sound), microphone(small sound), or cylophone(wood sound).
cacophony, phonetic 语音的, polyphonic, symphony交响乐
posted on 2005-07-18 09:49
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