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comes from the Latin mori, 'to die,' and mort-, the stem of mors, meaning 'death.' A mortuary is a place where dead bodies are kept until burial. A postmortem examination is on one conducted on a recently dead body. And a memento mori (a Latin phrase meaning literally 'Remember that you must die') is a reminder of death;the death's head carved onto an old gravestone is an example.
immortality不朽的,  mortician , mortify, mortality,mortally致命的,mortal
from the Latin verb haerere, means 'to stick' or 'to get stuck.' This has produced words with two kinds of meaning. A word such as ahesive means basically 'sticking,' whereas a word such as hesitate means more or less 'stuck in one place.'
adherent信徒, cohesion结合 , incoherent不连冠的, inherent内在的
from the Greek word meaning both 'ornament ' and ' order,' gives us two different groups of words. Cosmetics are the stuff we use to ornament our faces. The 'order' meaning combines with the Greek belief that the universe was ans orderly place, so words in this group relate to the universe and the worlds within it . Cosmonaut, for instance , is the word for a space traveler from the former Soviet
cosmetic, cosmology, cosmopolitan世界主义者, cosmos宇宙
comes from the Latin verb scire, 'to know' or 'to understand '. This root appears in the word science. which refers to factual knowledge, and in conscience, which refers to moral knowledge. And to be conscious is to be in a state where you are able to know or understand.
conscientious尽责的, omniscience, prescient预知的, unconscionable不合理的
posted on 2005-07-19 09:00 c.c. 阅读(693) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

