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meaning to hang, weigh, or cause to hang down,' comes from the Latin verb pendere. We find it in English in words like pensive, meanign 'thoughtful,' and appendix, that useless and sometimes troublesome piece that hangs from the intestine.
appendage, expend, propensity, stipend
from the Latin verb jungere, means 'join' . A junction is a place where things come together. A conjunction is a word (such as and or or ) that joins two other words or groups of words:' this and that.' 'to be or not to be'.
adjunct助手, disjunction, injunction指令 , junta
from the Latin word pars, menaing 'part', comes into English most obviously in our word part but also in words like apartment, compartment , and particle, all of which are parts of a larger whole.
impart, impartial, participle, partisan
from the Latin verb mittere, 'to send'. appears in such English words as missionary, missile, and emit. A missionary is sent out to convert others to a new faith, a missile is sent to explode on some far spot; and to emit is to send something out.
emissary 使者, manumission, missive信件, remittance,
come from the Latin verb pellere, meaning 'to move or drive.' A propeller moves an airplane forward. When soldiers repel an enemy charge, they drive it back. And to dispel something is to drive it away.
compel , expel 驱逐, impel推动, repulsion排斥
posted on 2005-07-20 10:19 c.c. 阅读(463) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

