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from the Latin tendere,meaning 'to stretch,extend, or spread.' can be seen most simply in the English word tent, meaning a piece of material stretched or extended over a frame. It can also be seen in the word extend,which means 'to stretch forth or stretch out ,' and in tendon, the word for a tough band of tissue that stretches from a muscle to a bone.
contentious 争论的, distend扩大, portend, tendentious有倾向的
places words outside or beyond their usual or routine territory . Extraterrestrial and extragalactic affairs take place beyond the earth or the galaxy. Something extravagant, such as an extravaganza, goes beyond the limits of reason or necessity. And of course extra itself is a word, a shortening of
extarordinary.'beyond the ordinary.'
extramundane, extrapolate, extrovert外向的, extraneous
from the Latin verb putare , meanign ' to think, consider, or believe,' has come into English in a variety of forms, A reputation, for example , is what others think of you; a deputy is someone ' considered as ' the person who appointed him or her.
disputatious, impute 归罪于, putative, reputed有名气的, dispute
from the Greek word logos, meaning 'word , speech, reason, ' is found particularly in English words that end in -logy and the study of life, and anthropology is the study of humans. The ending -logue usually indicates a type of discussion: sialogue is conversation between two people or groups, and an epilogue is an author's last words on a subject.
eulogy, monologue 独白, neologism, genealogy
posted on 2005-07-21 11:33 c.c. 阅读(413) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

