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comes from the Latin terra, 'earth.' Terra firma is a :atin phrase that means 'firm ground ' as opposed to the swaying seas; a terrace is a leveled area along a sloping hill; the French call potatoes pommes de terre , literally ' apples of the earth'; territory is a specific piece of land.
parterre subterranean, terrarium , terrestrial
from the Latin word mare, meaning 'sea,' brings its salty tang to English in words like marine, 'having to do with the sea,' and submarine, 'under the sea.'
aquamarine, marina, mariner, maritime
comes from the Greek word pathos, which means 'suffering.' A pathetic sight moves us to pity. Pathos itself is used in English to describe the intense emotions produced by tragedy.
apathetic, empathy, pathology, sociopath
comes from the Latin words poena, 'penalty,' and punire, 'to punish.' From them come such English words as penalty and repentance; when a penalty is given to someone, it is expected that he will be moved to repentance.
impunity, penal刑事的, penance忏悔, punitive
posted on 2005-07-22 09:29 c.c. 阅读(392) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

