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means 'back,' 'behind', or 'backward' in Latin .Tetro is itself a fairly new word in English, meaning 'nostalgically old-fashioned' usually when describing styles or fashions. A nation retrocedes a
territory by fiving it back to the country it originally belonged to.
retroactive, retrofit, retrogress 退步, retrospective 回顾的
comes from the Latin domus, 'house, ' or dominus, ' master.' A domain is the area where a person has authority or is dominant. Unfortunately, dominant perple can also be domineering , seeing themselves as the masters of theose they live and work with.
predominant 卓越的,突出的, domicile, domination, dominion
comes from Greek and Latin, where it means 'before,' 'forward,' or 'for.' As a prefix, it can also mean 'earlier than,' 'front,' or 'in front of.' A lifetime of anger or bitterness can proceed, or 'come forth, ' from an unhappy childhood. An ambitious army officer expects to be promoted, or 'moved forward,' rapidly. Those who provide for the future by laying away money are 'looking ahead.'
procrastinate, prodigious, prophylaxis, propitious
posted on 2005-07-25 10:51 c.c. 阅读(488) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

