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from the Latin verb tueri, originally meant 'to look at,' but the English meaing of the root gradually came to be 'to guide, guard, or teach.' A tutor guides a student (or tutee) through a subject, saving the most careful tutoring for the most difficult areas.
intuition 直觉, tuition, tutelage, tutorial指南
comes from the Greek kentron and the Latin centrum, meaning 'sharp point' or 'exact middle of a circle.' A centrifuge is a spinning machine that throws things outward from the center, the apparent force that pushes them outward is called centrifugal force.
eccentric, epicenter, egocentric, ethnocentric种族中心主义的
is the Latin root meaning 'shape ' or 'form .' Marching in formation is marching in ordered patterns. a formula is a standard form for expressing information, such as a recipe or a rule written in mathematical symbols.
conform , formality, formative, format
posted on 2005-07-27 16:02 c.c. 阅读(446) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

