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comes from the Latin verb terminare, ' to limit, bound, or set limits to,' or the related noun
terminus, a 'limit or boundary.' In English, those boundaries or limits tend to be final: to terminate a sentence or a meeting or a ballgame means to end it , and a term goes on for a given amount of time and then ends.
indeterminate, interminable 无限的 , terminal, terminology
comes from the Latin verb vincere, which means ' to conquer' or 'to overcome.' The victor defeats an enemy, whether on a battlefield or a football field. To
convince someone that you're right is a victory of another kind.
evince, invincible, provincial, victimize牺牲
from the Latin verb vertere, means 'to turn' or ' to turn around.' An advertisement turns your attention to a product or service. Vertigo is the dizziness that results from turning too rapidly or that makes you feel as if everything else is turning .
divert, perverse, avert转移, versatile多面手的
posted on 2005-07-28 11:56 c.c. 阅读(392) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Skills

