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首先会有m个数组(我简称其为根数组),表示为上图的p0到pm,然后每个数组里有m个元素,这m个元素的数组称之为叶子数组。HAT可以有O(1)的随机访问性能——因为是基于数组的,有O(1)的append以及remove last性能。乍一看,god damn,这和线性数组有区别吗?是的,没有。HAT的优势体现在数组大小不足时进行扩容以及实际内容太少产生稀疏时的自动紧缩能力上。HAT的扩容不像基于array的线性list(做2倍的copy),HAT会double一下m(上面说到的根数组大小),同时也会double每个叶子数组,但是这种double不是直接new的,而是根据现有情况new出来,然后copy原有元素到new出来的array里,新扩容的根数组元素对应的叶子array将是null,也就是说暂不分配内存空间,等到执行真正的add操作时,才会判断如果是null就进行一次new(分配)。这样延迟了内存分配,使得真正的空间消耗在性能上有提升,线性动态数组的扩容策略的空间性能是Ω(n),而HAT可以做到O(n1/2)。同样,在数组元素经过多次remove慢慢变少时,HAT会进行缩紧操作,一般是当实际存储容量达到总容量的1/8时,进行一次缩紧,根数组和叶子数组都half。







   1: /***************************************************************************
   2:  * File:
   3:  * Author: Keith Schwarz (
   4:  *
   5:  * An implementation of the List abstraction backed by a hashed array tree
   6:  * (HAT), a data structure supporting amortized O(1) lookup, append, and
   7:  * last-element removal.  In this sense it is akin to a standard dynamic
   8:  * array implementation.  However, a hashed array tree also has the advantage
   9:  * that its memory overhead is only O(sqrt(n)) rather than the typical O(n)
  10:  * found in dynamic arrays and their variants.
  11:  *
  12:  * Internally, the hashed array tree is implemented as an array of pointers
  13:  * that optionally point to an array of elements.  The topmost array and each
  14:  * element always have the same size, which is always a power of two.  In
  15:  * this sense, the hashed array tree is essentially a two-dimensional array
  16:  * of elements.  However, the advantage of the hashed array tree is that the
  17:  * topmost array pointers are all initially null and only filled in when space
  18:  * is needed.  This means that the maximum overhead of the structure is the
  19:  * size of the topmost array, plus the number of unused elements in the current
  20:  * block.  Here is one sample HAT:
  21:  *
  22:  *           [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
  23:  *            |   |   |
  24:  *            v   v   v
  25:  *           [0] [4] [8]
  26:  *           [1] [5] [9]
  27:  *           [2] [6] [ ]
  28:  *           [3] [7] [ ]
  29:  *
  30:  * Here, the topmost array of pointers has three pointers in use, each of which
  31:  * point to an array of the corresponding number of elements.
  32:  *
  33:  * Whenever an element is added to a hashed array tree, one of three cases
  34:  * must hold:
  35:  *
  36:  * 1. There is extra space at the end of the final subarray (for example, in
  37:  *    the top picture).  In that case, the element is added to that position.
  38:  * 2. The final subarray is full, but space for another subarray exists in the
  39:  *    topmost array.  In that case, a new array is allocated and the element
  40:  *    is added to that array.
  41:  * 3. The final subarray is full and no new arrays remain open.  In that case,
  42:  *    since the topmost array has size 2^n and each array has size 2^n, there
  43:  *    must be a total of 2^(2n) elements in the hashed array tree.  We
  44:  *    next double the size of the topmost array to 2^(n + 1), then allocate
  45:  *    2^(n - 1) subarrays of size 2^(n + 1) elements for a total of 2^(2n)
  46:  *    elements' worth of space.  The elements from the old HAT are then copied
  47:  *    over, a new array is allocated for the new element, and it is added as
  48:  *    the first element of that array.
  49:  *
  50:  * Let's now talk about the performance and memory usage of this structure.
  51:  * First, we note that we can perform lookups in O(1), assuming that the
  52:  * machine is transdichotomous (meaning that a single machine word can hold
  53:  * the size of any array).  This can be done by breaking the input index in
  54:  * half, then using the first half to choose which array to look into (the
  55:  * "hashed" part of HAT) and the second half to choose which index to select.
  56:  * This trick is similar to the trick used to represent a two-dimensional
  57:  * array using a linear structure.
  58:  *
  59:  * Next, let's think about how much time it takes to do an append operation.
  60:  * Each append when space remains takes O(1) to look up the proper position
  61:  * in the hashed array tree for writing, but appends can be much more expensive
  62:  * when the HAT needs to be resized.  Fortunately, this does not happen very
  63:  * often.  Whenever the HAT doubles in size, its capacity grows from 2^(2n) to
  64:  * 2^(2n + 2), meaning that four times as many elements must be inserted before
  65:  * the next copy operation.  If we define a potential function as twice the 
  66:  * number of filled-in elements in the HAT above half capacity (i.e. the
  67:  * number of elements in the arrays in the second half), then we can prove an
  68:  * amortized O(1) time for append.  Consider any series of appends.  If the
  69:  * append does not expand the HAT, then it takes O(1) time and increases the
  70:  * potential by 1/2.  If the append does expand the HAT, and the HAT's topmost
  71:  * array has size 2^n, then there must be 2^(n-1) elements in the latter half
  72:  * of the HAT, so the potential is 2^(2n).  The time required to move each
  73:  * of the 2^(2n) elements is 2^(2n), and in the new HAT there are no elements
  74:  * in the latter half of the array.  Consequently, the new potential is zero.
  75:  * The actual time required to perform the append is thus 2^2n + O(1), and
  76:  * the decrease in potential is -2^2n, so the amortized cost is O(1) as
  77:  * expected.
  78:  *
  79:  * Last, let's talk about the cost to do a remove.  This is similar to the 
  80:  * append case - we delete the last element of the last array, removing the
  81:  * array from the topmost array if it becomes empty.  We also compact the
  82:  * HAT if it becomes too sparse by shrinking from a HAT of size 2^(2n + 2) to
  83:  * a HAT of size 2^(2n) if the HAT becomes one-eighth full.  A similar
  84:  * potential method can be used to show that this operation runs in amortized
  85:  * O(1).
  86:  *
  87:  * Finally, let's consider the memory overhead of the HAT.  For any HAT of
  88:  * topmost array size 8 or more, since the HAT is always at least one-eighth
  89:  * full, there must be at least one full array.  This array has size equal to
  90:  * the size of the topmost array (call this k), and so if every array were to
  91:  * be filled in to capacity, there would be a total of k arrays of size k,
  92:  * for a total of k^2 elements.  Of this capacity, we know that at least an
  93:  * eighth of them are filled in, so k^2 must be at most 8n, and so 
  94:  * k = O(sqrt(n)).  To finish the analysis, the overhead of the structure is
  95:  * at most the overhead of this top-level array, plus potentially k - 1
  96:  * unused elements in some array.  This is a total of O(k) = O(sqrt(n))
  97:  * overhead, which is what we originally desired.
  98:  */
  99: import java.util.*; // For AbstractList
 101: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 102: public final class HashedArrayTree<T> extends AbstractList<T> {
 103:     /* To simplify the implementation, we enforce that the size of the topmost
 104:      * array never drops below 2.  This prevents weirdness when we try to
 105:      * allocate 2^(n-1) arrays during a doubling and find that n = 0.
 106:      */
 107:     private static final int kMinArraySize = 2;
 109:     /* The topmost array of elements; initially of size two. */
 110:     private T[][] mArrays = (T[][]) new Object[kMinArraySize][];
 112:     /* Number of elements, initially zero since the HAT is created empty. */
 113:     private int mSize = 0;
 115:     /* A constant containing lg2 of the topmost array size.  This enables some
 116:      * cute bit-twiddling tricks to improve efficiency.
 117:      */
 118:     private int mLgSize = 1;
 120:     /**
 121:      * Returns the number of elements in the HashedArrayTree.
 122:      *
 123:      * @return The number of elements in the HashedArrayTree.
 124:      */
 125:     @Override 
 126:     public int size() {
 127:         return mSize;
 128:     }
 130:     /**
 131:      * Adds a new element to the HashedArrayTree.
 132:      *
 133:      * @param elem The element to add.
 134:      * @return true
 135:      */
 136:     @Override 
 137:     public boolean add(T elem) {
 138:         /* First, check if we're completely out of space.  If so, do a resize
 139:          * to ensure we do indeed have room.
 140:          */
 141:         if (size() == mArrays.length * mArrays.length)
 142:             grow();
 144:         /* Compute the (arr, index) pair for the next position.  The next
 145:          * position is at the location indicated by size(), but we know that
 146:          * space exists from the previous call.
 147:          */
 148:         final int offset = computeOffset(size());
 149:         final int index  = computeIndex(size());
 151:         /* Check if an array exists here.  If not, make one up. */
 152:         if (mArrays[offset] == null)
 153:             mArrays[offset] = (T[]) new Object[mArrays.length];
 155:         /* Write the element to its location. */
 156:         mArrays[offset][index] = elem;
 158:         /* Update the element count. */
 159:         ++mSize;
 161:         /* Per the Collections contract, return true to signal a successful
 162:          * add.
 163:          */
 164:         return true;
 165:     }
 167:     /**
 168:      * Sets the element at the specified position to the indicated value.
 169:      * If the index is out of bounds, throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception.
 170:      *
 171:      * @param index The index at which to set the value.
 172:      * @param elem The element to store at that position.
 173:      * @return The value initially at that location.
 174:      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is invalid.
 175:      */
 176:     @Override 
 177:     public T set(int index, T elem) {
 178:         /* Find out where to look. */
 179:         final int offset   = computeOffset(index);
 180:         final int arrIndex = computeIndex(index);
 182:         /* Cache the value there and write the new one. */
 183:         T result = mArrays[offset][arrIndex];
 184:         mArrays[offset][arrIndex] = elem;
 186:         /* Hand back the old value. */
 187:         return result;
 188:     }
 190:     /**
 191:      * Returns the value of the element at the specified position.
 192:      *
 193:      * @param index The index at which to query.
 194:      * @return The value of the element at that position.
 195:      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid.
 196:      */
 197:     @Override 
 198:     public T get(int index) {
 199:         /* Check that this is a valid index. */
 200:         if (index < 0 || index >= size())
 201:             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + index + ", size " + size());
 203:         /* Look up the element. */
 204:         return mArrays[computeOffset(index)][computeIndex(index)];
 205:     }
 207:     /**
 208:      * Adds the specified element at the position just before the specified
 209:      * index.
 210:      *
 211:      * @param index The index just before which to insert.
 212:      * @param elem The value to insert
 213:      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid.
 214:      */
 215:     @Override 
 216:     public void add(int index, T elem) {
 217:         /* Confirm the validity of the index. */
 218:         if (index < 0 || index >= size())
 219:             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + index + ", size " + size());
 221:         /* Add a dummy element to ensure that everything resizes correctly.
 222:          * There's no reason to repeat the logic.
 223:          */
 224:         add(null);
 226:         /* Next, we need to shuffle down every element that appears after
 227:          * the inserted element.  We'll do this using our own public interface.
 228:          */
 229:         for (int i = size(); i > index; ++i)
 230:             set(i, get(i - 1));
 232:         /* Finally, write the element. */
 233:         set(index, elem);
 234:     }
 236:     /**
 237:      * Removes the element at the specified position from the HashedArrayTree.
 238:      *
 239:      * @param index The index of the element to remove.
 240:      * @return The value of the element at that position.
 241:      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is invalid.
 242:      */
 243:     @Override 
 244:     public T remove(int index) {
 245:         /* Cache the value at the indicated position; this also does the bounds
 246:          * check.
 247:          */
 248:         T result = get(index);
 250:         /* Use a naive shuffle-down algorithm to reposition elements after
 251:          * the removed one.
 252:          */
 253:         for (int i = index + 1; i < size(); ++i)
 254:             set(i - 1, get(i));
 256:         /* Clobber the last element to play nicely with the garbage collector. */
 257:         set(size() - 1, null);
 259:         /* Decrement our size. */
 260:         --mSize;
 262:         /* If we are now at 1/8 total capacity, shrink the structure. */
 263:         if (size() * 8 <= mArrays.length * mArrays.length)
 264:             shrink();
 265:         /* Otherwise, if the size is now an even multiple of the array size,
 266:          * we can drop the very last array.  This is the array whose offset
 267:          * is one after the end of the elements.
 268:          */
 269:         else if (size() % mArrays.length == 0)
 270:             mArrays[computeOffset(size())] = null;
 272:         return result;
 273:     }
 275:     /**
 276:      * Given an index, returns the offset into the master array at which the
 277:      * element with that index can be found.
 278:      *
 279:      * @return The index into the topmost array where the given element can
 280:      *         be found.
 281:      */
 282:     private int computeOffset(int index) {
 283:         /* This can be computed by dividing the index by the index by the
 284:          * topmost array.  However, if we want to be very clever, we can do
 285:          * this efficiently by bit-shifting downard by the lg2 of the size
 286:          * of the topmost array.
 287:          */
 288:         return index >> mLgSize;
 289:     }
 291:     /**
 292:      * Given an index, returns the offset into the appropriate subarray in
 293:      * which the element with that index can be found.
 294:      *
 295:      * @return The index into the subarray array where the given element can
 296:      *         be found.
 297:      */
 298:     private int computeIndex(int index) {
 299:         /* This can be computed by modding the index by the index by the
 300:          * topmost array.  But we can do this more efficiently with a different
 301:          * tactic.  Since the array size is a perfect power of two, it must
 302:          * look like this:
 303:          *
 304:          * 00..010..0
 305:          *
 306:          * Subtracting one yields
 307:          *
 308:          * 00..001..1
 309:          *
 310:          * ANDing this with the index produces the value we're looking for.
 311:          */
 312:         return index & (mArrays.length - 1);
 313:     }
 315:     /**
 316:      * Grows the internal representation by doubling the size of the topmost
 317:      * array and copying the appropriate number of elements over.
 318:      */
 319:     private void grow() {
 320:         /* Double the size of the topmost array. */
 321:         T[][] newArrays = (T[][]) new Object[mArrays.length * 2][];
 323:         /* The new arrays each have size 2^(n + 1).  We need 2^(n - 1) of them
 324:          * to hold the old elements.  Allocate those here and copy everything
 325:          * over.
 326:          */
 327:         for (int i = 0; i < mArrays.length; i += 2) {
 328:             /* Allocate the array. */
 329:             newArrays[i / 2] = (T[]) new Object[newArrays.length];
 331:             /* Use System.arraycopy to move everything over. */
 332:             System.arraycopy(mArrays[i], 0, newArrays[i / 2], 0, mArrays.length);
 333:             System.arraycopy(mArrays[i + 1], 0, newArrays[i / 2], mArrays.length, mArrays.length);
 335:             /* Null out the old arrays to be nice to the GC during this 
 336:              * potentially stressful time.
 337:              */
 338:             mArrays[i] = mArrays[i + 1] = null;
 339:         }
 341:         /* Switch out this new array for the old. */
 342:         mArrays = newArrays;
 344:         /* Bump up lg2 of the size. */
 345:         ++mLgSize;
 346:     }
 348:     /**
 349:      * Decreases the size of the HAT by shrinking into a better fit.
 350:      */
 351:     private void shrink() {
 352:         /* If the size of the topmost array is at its minimum, don't do
 353:          * anything.  This doesn't change the asymptotic memory usage because
 354:          * we only do this for small arrays.
 355:          */
 356:         if (mArrays.length == kMinArraySize) return;
 358:         /* Otherwise, we currently have 2^(2n) / 8 = 2^(2n - 3) elements.
 359:          * We're about to shrink into a grid of 2^(2n - 2) elements, and so
 360:          * we'll fill in half of the elements.
 361:          */
 362:         T[][] newArrays = (T[][]) new Object[mArrays.length / 2][];
 364:         /* Copy everything over.  We'll need half as many arrays as before. */
 365:         for (int i = 0; i < newArrays.length / 2; ++i) {
 366:             /* Create the arrays. */
 367:             newArrays[i] = (T[]) new Object[newArrays.length];
 369:             /* Move everything into it.  If this is an odd array, it comes 
 370:              * from the upper half of the old array; otherwise it comes from
 371:              * the lower half.
 372:              */
 373:             System.arraycopy(mArrays[i / 2], (i % 2 == 0)? 0 : newArrays.length,
 374:                              newArrays[i], 0, newArrays.length);
 376:             /* Play nice with the GC.  If this is an odd-numbered array, we
 377:              * just copied over everything we needed and can clear out the
 378:              * old array.
 379:              */
 380:             if (i % 2 == 1)
 381:                 mArrays[i / 2] = null;
 382:         }
 384:         /* Copy the arrays over. */
 385:         mArrays = newArrays;
 387:         /* Drop the lg2 of the size. */
 388:         --mLgSize;
 389:     }
 390: }


posted on 2012-06-08 14:40 changedi 阅读(1642) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 好代码分享

