
【SQL 笔试面试】SQL经典面试题集(一)



     SC(S#,C#,G) S#,C#,G分别代表学号,所选的课程编号,学习成绩
 (2) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程编号为’C2’的学员姓名和所属单位?
 (3) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询不选修课程编号为’C5’的学员姓名和所属单位?
 (4) 查询选修了课程的学员人数?
 (5) 查询选修课程超过5门的学员学号和所属单位?

drop table S;
drop table C;
drop table SC;

create table S
 S# varchar(10),
 SN varchar (25),
 SD varchar (25),
 SA int

create table C
 C# varchar(10),
 CN varchar (25)

create table SC
 S# varchar(10),
 C# varchar(10),
 G   int
 Primary Key(S#, C#)
insert into S values ('10001','Students1','department1',23)
insert into S values ('10002','Students2','department1',24)
insert into S values ('10003','Students3','department2',25)
insert into S values ('10004','Students4','department2',26)
insert into S values ('10005','Students5','department3',23)
insert into S values ('10006','Students6','department3',24)
insert into S values ('10007','Students7','department3',25)
insert into S values ('10008','Students8','department4',25)

insert into C values ('C1','数学')
insert into C values ('C2','物理')
insert into C values ('C3','化学')
insert into C values ('C4','英语')
insert into C values ('C5','中文')
insert into C values ('C6','税收基础')
insert into C values ('C7','传媒')
insert into C values ('C8','日语')

insert into SC values ('10001','C1',67)
insert into SC values ('10001','C2',77)
insert into SC values ('10001','C3',87)
insert into SC values ('10001','C4',97)
insert into SC values ('10001','C5',57)
insert into SC values ('10001','C6',47)

insert into SC values ('10002','C1',62)
insert into SC values ('10002','C2',72)
insert into SC values ('10002','C3',82)
insert into SC values ('10002','C4',92)
insert into SC values ('10002','C5',52)
insert into SC values ('10002','C6',42)
insert into SC values ('10004','C2',74)
insert into SC values ('10004','C5',54)
insert into SC values ('10004','C6',44)


 select S#,SN from S where S# in (select S# from C, SC where C.C#=SC.C# and C.CN='税收基础')
 select S.S#,S.SN from S inner join (select S# from C left join SC on C.C#=SC.C# where C.CN='税收基础') T on T.S#=S.S#

--(2) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程编号为’C2’的学员姓名和所属单位?

 select S.SN,S.SD from S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#='C2'

--(3) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询不选修课程编号为’C5’的学员姓名和所属单位?
 select distinct S.SN,S.SD from S where S.S# not in (select S.S# from S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#='C5')

--(4) 查询选修了课程的学员人数?
   select 学员人数=count(distinct s#) from sc
   select count(*) as 学员人数 from (select distinct SC.S# from SC) t

--(5) 查询选修课程超过5门的学员学号和所属单位?
   select S#,SD from S where S.S# in (select SC.S# from SC group by SC.S# having count(*)>5)
   select S#,SD from S where S# in(select S# from SC group by S# having count(distinct C#)>5)


create table testtable1
id int IDENTITY,
department varchar(12)

insert into testtable1 values('设计')
insert into testtable1 values('市场')
insert into testtable1 values('售后')


id department
1   设计
2   市场
3   售后

create table testtable2
id int IDENTITY,
dptID int,
name varchar(12)
insert into testtable2 values(1,'张三')
insert into testtable2 values(1,'李四')
insert into testtable2 values(2,'王五')
insert into testtable2 values(3,'彭六')
insert into testtable2 values(4,'陈七')
insert into testtable2 values(5,'陈七')

select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 left join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID

select * from testtable2

id dptID department name
1   1      设计        张三
2   1      设计        李四
3   2      市场        王五
4   3      售后        彭六
5   4      黑人        陈七

 select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 left join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID
 SELECT t2.id , t2.dptID, ISNULL(t1.department,'黑人') dptName,t2.name FROM testtable1 t1 right join testtable2 t2 on t2.dptID = t1.ID

 select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable1 t1,testtable2 t2 where t1.id=t2.dptID
 select t2.id,t2.dptID,t1.department,t2.name from testtable2 t2 inner join testtable1 t1 on t1.id=t2.dptID

A: p_ID p_Num s_id
1 10 01
1 12 02
2 8 01
3 11 01
3 8 03
p_ID s1_id s2_id s3_id
1 10 12 0
2 8 0 0
3 11 0 8

create table A
 p_ID int,
 p_Num int,
 s_id int

insert into A values(1,10,01)
insert into A values(1,12,02)
insert into A values(2,8,01)
insert into A values(3,11,01)
insert into A values(3,8,03)

select p_id ,
       sum(case when s_id=1 then p_num else 0 end) as s1_id,
       sum(case when s_id=2 then p_num else 0 end) as s2_id,
       sum(case when s_id=3 then p_num else 0 end) as s3_id
from A group by p_id



create table A
 id int IDENTITY,
 Name varchar (25)

 select top 10 * from A where ID >(select max(ID) from (select top 30 ID from A order by id ) T) order by id
drop table A
create table A
 id int,
 Name varchar (25)

insert into A values(1,'a')
insert into A values(2,'a')
insert into A values(3,'a')
insert into A values(1,'a')
insert into A values(2,'a')
insert into A values(3,'a')
insert into A values(4,'a')
insert into A values(1,'a')
select id,name from A where id in (select id from A group by id having count(id)>3)order by id

courseid coursename score
1 java 70
2 oracle 90
3 xml 40
4 jsp 30
5 servlet 80
courseid coursename score mark
1 java 70 pass
2 oracle 90 pass
3 xml 40 fail
4 jsp 30 fail
5 servlet 80 pass

create table Course(
 courseid int IDENTITY,
 coursename varchar (25),
 score int

insert into Course values ( 'java',70)
insert into Course values ( 'oracle',90)
insert into Course values ( 'xml',40)
insert into Course values ( 'jsp',30)
insert into Course values ( 'servlet',80)

select courseid, coursename ,score ,decode(sign(score-60),-1,'fail','pass') as mark from course

 --SQL Server:
select *, (case when score<60 then 'failed' else 'pass' end) as mark from Course

 有表:emp(id, name, age)

create table emp(
   id int IDENTITY,
   name varchar (25),
   age int

insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',28)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',29)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang2',27)
insert into emp values('Zhang3',28)
insert into emp values('Zhang1',26)
insert into emp values('Zhang4',22)
insert into emp values('Wang1',27)
insert into emp values('wang2',28)
insert into emp values('Wang2',26)
insert into emp values('Wang1',22)

select id,name,age from emp where name in (select name from emp group by name having count(*)>1)

--解法二:如果对每个名字都和原表进行比较,大于2个人名字与这条记录相同的就是合格的 ,就有:
select * from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name)>1

select * from emp where exists (select * from emp e where e.name=emp.name and e.id<>emp.id)
select distinct emp.* from emp inner join emp e on emp.name=e.name and emp.id<>e.id


 Tom   16
 Sun   14   
 Tom   16   
 Tom   16

create table emp(
 name varchar(20),
 age int

insert into emp values('Tom',16)
insert into emp values('Sun',14)
insert into emp values('Tom',16)
insert into emp values('Tom',16)

--解法一:通过distinct、group by过滤重复:
select distinct * from emp   

select name,age from emp group by name,age

select distinct * into #tmp from emp
delete from emp
insert into emp select * from #tmp

alter table emp add chk int identity(1,1)
select * from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name)>1
delete from emp where (select count(*) from emp e where e.name=emp.name and e.chk>=emp.chk)>1
alter table emp drop column chk

select min(chk) from emp group by name having   count(*)   >1
delete from emp where chk not in (select min(chk) from emp group by name)



有列表:emp(emp_no, name,age)
001 Tom 17   
002 Sun 14   
003 Tom 15   
004 Tom 16


create table emp(
emp_no int,
name varchar(20),
age int

insert into emp values(001,'Tom',17)
insert into emp values(002,'Sun',14)
insert into emp values(003,'Tom',15)
insert into emp values(004,'Tom',16)


alter table emp add chk int identity(1,1)
select *,identity(int,1,1) chk into #tmp from emp
select * from emp
alter table emp drop column chk

select *,identity(int,1,1) chk into #tmp from emp order by age
delete from emp
alter table emp add chk int
insert into emp select * from #tmp
select * from #tmp
drop table #tmp


select emp.*,(select count(*) from emp e where e.emp_no<=emp.emp_no) from emp order by (select count(*) from emp e where e.emp_no<=emp.emp_no)


姓名 选课
张三 数学
张三 物理
张三 语文
张三 化学

李四 数学
李四 化学
李四 语文

王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文

赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文

周七 数学
周七 物理

问题一:只选数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句

姓名 选课
王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文

赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文

问题二:同时选了数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句

姓名 选课
张三 数学
张三 物理
张三 语文

王五 数学
王五 物理
王五 语文

赵六 数学
赵六 物理
赵六 语文

create table course(
 Name varchar(25),
 CName varchar(25)

insert into course values ('张三','数学')
insert into course values ('张三','物理')
insert into course values ('张三','语文')
insert into course values ('张三','化学')

insert into course values ('李四','数学')
insert into course values ('李四','语文')
insert into course values ('李四','化学')

insert into course values ('王五','数学')
insert into course values ('王五','物理')
insert into course values ('王五','语文')

insert into course values ('赵四','数学')
insert into course values ('赵四','物理')
insert into course values ('赵四','语文')

insert into course values ('周七','数学')
insert into course values ('周七','物理')

select * from course

--问题一:只选数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句------

select A.Name,B.CName from
 (select T.Name from (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))T group by Name having count(*)=3 )A,
 (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))B
where A.Name=B.Name
      and A.Name not in (select Name from Course group by Name having count(*)>3 )
select * from course
where name in (select name from course where CName in('数学','物理','语文') group by name having count(*)=3)
      and name not in(select name from course group by name having count(*)>3)

--问题二:同时选了数学,物理,语文的学生, 查询结果如下,写出相应SQL语句---
select A.Name,B.CName from
 (select T.Name from (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))T group by Name having count(*)=3 )A,
 (select Name,CName from Course where CName in('数学','物理','语文'))B
where A.Name=B.Name

select * from course
where name in (select name from course where CName in('数学','物理','语文') group by name having count(*)=3)


posted on 2011-02-13 13:39 wokaoJune 阅读(3334) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: SQL 笔试面试















