some tips from mailReader(struts2 's sample project):
In Struts 2, message resources are associated with the Action class being processed. If we check the source, we find a language resource bundle named MailreaderSupport. MailreaderSupport is our base class for all the MailReader Actions. Since all of our Actions extend MailreaderSupport, all of our Actions can use the same resource bundle.
public class MailreaderSupport extends ActionSupport
在本例中提供了继承了ActionSupport的MailreaderSupport类 ,以供其他action来继承,这样,所有的action的国际化定义都可以写在ActionSupport.properites,以到达减少资源文件的数目的目的。同时,可以为在ActionSupport实现一些action的公共行为,比如对于web框架而言,session的处理是必需的,因此MailreaderSupport在这里实现SessionAware接口。
Link actions not pages:
Actions specify code that we want to be run before a page or other resource renders the response. An accepted practice is to never link directly to server pages, but only to logical action mappings. By linking to actions, developers can often "rewire" an application without editing the server pages.
ByPass the validate
<s:submit action="Login_cancel" onclick="form.onsubmit=null"
Here we are creating the Cancel button for the form. The button's attribute action="Login_cancel" tells the
framework to submit to the Login's "cancel" method instead of the usual "execute" method. The onclick="form.onsubmit=null" script defeats client-side validation. On the server side, "cancel" is on a special list of methods that bypass validation, so the request will go directly to the Action's cancel method. Another entry on the special-case list is the "input" method.
Other Tips
使用MedelDriven ?
<package name="disease" namespace="/disease" extends="struts-default">
<action name="*" class="">
<!-- Add actions here -->
这样,凡是指向disease/***.action的链接都会被映射到/pages/disease/下同名的jsp,其中 BaseSupport为所
OGNL、ActionContext Map、value statck 的关系
(1)OGNL is the Object Graph Navigation Language,OGNL工作的基础是ActionContext map
(2)value Stack是ActionContext map的根对象,所以对于value statck中的对象,比如action、model对象,不需要使用"#" ,但是对于ActionContext map其他对象的访问,需要使用"#"
ActionContext map---|
|--value stack(root)
|--attr (searches page, request, session, then application scopes)