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Eclipse Community Web Sites

Many individuals and companies have created web sites to address particular needs of the community. Here are a few of the most popular ones. More can be found in the Community Resources area of the web site.

EclipseZone (
An online community by and for Eclipse users everywhere.

Planet Eclipse (
Planet Eclipse is a window into the world, work, and lives of Eclipse users and contributors.

Plug-ins Registry (
This is a nonprofit registry of Eclipse plug-ins, created and maintained by Eclipse users.

Eclipse Plugin Central (
This site offers a plug-in directory, reviews, ratings, news, forums, and listings for products and services.

Eclipse Wiki (
This user-editable web site has FAQs, tips, tricks, and other useful information.

IBM AlphaWorks (
Part of IBM's emerging technologies web site, this is dedicated to Eclipse and WebSphere-related projects and plug-ins.

IBM developerWorks (
developerWorks hosts a variety of tutorials, articles, and related information on Eclipse and other open source projects.

Apache (
Apache software is used throughout Eclipse, and the two projects collaborate in many areas.

Source Forge (
A large and growing number of Eclipse plug-ins are being developed in this open source nexus.

O'Reilly Open Source (
This O'Reilly Resource Center provides a broad range of references and links to publications about open source.

posted on 2005-12-10 11:52 Scott@JAVA 阅读(417) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Info & News


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