Java, 一杯浓浓的咖啡伴你到深夜
Today, when reading this article [导入]GEF源码分析(六) GEF 的EditPart的职能分离 __ 跨国时尚媒体集团广告部门 的故事 二, I remind the course "Basic of Quality Management", which was taught by Dr. Adebayo Agbejule, a black man and nice teacher I appreciate, whereas some chinese girls don't like him. "Seven tools of quality control" is among those skills I've learnt from him, in that article, "鱼骨图" presents one of the tools.So let me introduce the seven tools of quality control:Pareto AnalysisA diagram for tallving the percentage of defects resulting from different cause to identify major quality problem.Flow ChartA diagram of the steps in a process; help focus on where in a process a quality problem might exist.Check SheetA fact-finding tool for tallying the number of defects for a list previously identified problem causes.HistogramA diagram showing the frequency of data related to a quality problem.
Scatter Diagram
A graph showing the relationship between two variables in a processl identifies a pattern that may cause a quality problem.
Statistical Process Control ChartA chart with statistical upper and lower limits; if the process stays between these limits over time ti is in control and a problem does not exist.Cause-and-Effect DiagramsAlso called a "fishbone" diagram; a graph of the causes of a quality problem divided into categories.Hope someone could find it useful ^0^
posted on 2005-12-11 01:20 Scott@JAVA 阅读(515) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: Life & Study
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