
Java, 一杯浓浓的咖啡伴你到深夜

Finally, I've got a summber JOB

On this monday, I've had a pleasant interview with Mr. Pasi, the managing director in Wapice, the conversation was so cozy and Mr. Pasi likes me so much that exceeds my expectation. Thanks to my excellent grades in study and the NokiaAward 2005 I won, which gives me great self-confidence, as well as brings Mr. Pasi extremely deep impressions, he even ask me about staying in the company after graduated or continuing my mater grade in Tampere while working in the branch office there... What can i say more than "GREAT".
However i was informed employed today instead of Wednesday he promised, well, that's kinda Scandinavian way --- so ease that a gay from Asian such as me can't stand.  (can you imagine no shops open in weekends, or 10am to 3pm is the most apporiate time to go to the bank or somewhere instead of being locked out.. OMG, really frustrating.)
Anyway, better late than never, I still have to talk with Mr. Pasi about the detailed things, what I know now is that I will work for the Customizer project, probablly in charge of Java and XML parts, it's time to do my best.


Wapice Ltd.

Wapice Ltd. was founded in Dec 1999, Vaasa, and it was targeted to fulfil software needs of industrial companies. Currently Wapice has 8 customers in TOP 100 industrial manufacturing companies. Wapice employs nearly 60 professionals and the most important feature of our company is the people who work in here.

Customizer sales configurator - Wapice Customizer is a product configurator for industrial companies manufacturing and selling complex products. Customizer is an efficient sales tool especially for the sale of component-based products. Customizer allows easy and quick product definition...

posted on 2006-04-29 00:58 Scott@JAVA 阅读(313) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Life & Study

