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2013年7月9日 #

I had the same problem, and I solved it.

if you are using wamp for your localhost then click on the wamp green icon that is running and press on PHP directory, then you will see php.ini file

if you dont use wamp software, then just find the php.ini file and open it. and search for upload_max_filesize. you should find rows like the bellow one:

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
; http://php.net/upload-max-filesize
upload_max_filesize = 2M

by default the upload_max_filesize is 2 megabyte. Just simply change it to
upload_max_filesize = 200M (200 megabyte)

then save your php.ini file and restart your services and it will work without any diverticulitis :) 

posted @ 2013-08-07 11:32 cnbarry 阅读(1932) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Things have been changing for quite some time in the SEO world. Hence, new trends have finally surfaced. Things that didn’t matter a few years ago are now of vital importance and companies are constantly making use of them to get more traffic. Here are a few such emerging trends in the SEO world:

• Mobile Search

According to a study conducted by Google, the queries from smartphones and tablets worldwide increased 80% year over year in 2012. Keeping that in mind, it has now become extremely necessary for website owners to update their strategies to cope up with the high number of mobile searches being conducted every day. The only way to keep up with this trend is to prepare the websites for mobile searches and to include the use of mobile specific web formatting.

• Twitter

Twitter is a social networking website like many others but its biggest advantage is its use for link building. Businesses can easily tweet their message and website on twitter. It is an easy way to attract genuine potential customers as the people who click on your link will already be interested in you (because of your description in the tweet). Apart from that, you can make your tweets re-tweetable and ask people to re-tweet (RT) them. As soon as your followers retweet them, their followers will see it and they might click on your link and re-tweet your tweet as well. Another way that you can get people talking about your company on twitter is to add a “tweet this” icon on your website thus enabling visitors to share your page.

• Quality

With its recent algorithm changes, Google has taken some major steps to ensure that the results provided to the users are of good quality. Hence, all the websites that contain repeated, irrelevant material are now suffering. Your material needs to be original and informative. Due to these changes, businesses now have to make sure that they update their websites regularly in order to convince Google that their material consists of a backlog of accurate content and provides value to the users.

• Google +

Google+ might not be such a trending social networking site, but it is one of the most important “emerging trends” in SEO. Since it’s a Google product, Google can very easily collect information about the interests and personal preferences of users depending on the websites that they visit while they are signed into their Google+ account. This gives a whole new meaning to personalized search. Users can also claim their work by linking it to their Google+ profile. Apart from that, Google can easily access data from Google+ therefore; the results from Google+ dominate the results from all other social networking websites.

• Conversion Rate Optimization

Since everyone wants conversions and not just traffic, CRO has become a very trending topic in the SEO world lately. By optimizing a website such that it provides an overall enhanced yet effortless experience to the users, can greatly increase conversion rates. Due to the increased conversion rates of a website, search engines will be able to rank them better than the websites that only get search traffic.

The Final Say

Trends have been constantly changing in the SEO world and therefore it is becoming extremely important for website owners to familiarize themselves with the latest trends. Whether it is the new algorithm changes in Google or the different techniques used to get more traffic, businesses will have to cope up with the changes or risk getting left behind in this race.

posted @ 2013-07-15 11:39 cnbarry 阅读(1541) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

更新Firefox前,配置网站有时候会在本地与远程切换一下,可是今天明明修改了host,使用firefox时依然读取的是本地数据,多次清除所有历史数据并重启该浏览器依然无法显示远端网站信息, 这是何解? 莫非它真记录了我本地内容? 
posted @ 2013-07-13 17:38 cnbarry 阅读(300) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

上次六月中旬更新大变一次后好久没看到G更新了, 有点不习惯,最好不变!
posted @ 2013-07-09 16:27 cnbarry 阅读(184) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏