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Everyone knows that smoking is harmful for health, but why do so many people still smoke? It’s a complex society problem. There are several reasons that caused it.


Firstly, cigar contains some matters which can let people depend on them. Nicotine is one of the most harmful matters in the cigar. The nicotine contained in one cigar can kill one mouse by poison. And some other matters of cigar can let people get cancer. Smoking also can damage liver and lung. In short, smoking is very dangerous.


Secondly, lots of people smoking is caused by the social fashion. Generally, most of people started to smoke when they were teenager. They have a strong emulous mind, and they like to imitate the movie stars’ smoking behavior. The environment that the teenagers lives is bad for their growth.


Lastly, it’s caused by economy. The tax of cigar is very huge, each government couldn’t ignore it. It will generate a big benefit, so most of countries don’t forbid selling cigar. Fortunately, some of them begin to forbid selling cigar to the underage people.


Lots of parents don’t allow children to smoke, but it’s not very effective. Because they don’t let children smoke, but they still smoke. Children’s growth needs a clear and fresh environment, but not an environment full of smoking. The government must carry out more measures about forbidding smoking, and adult would better to give up smoking also.

posted on 2007-09-18 12:36 三人行,必有我师焉 阅读(1020) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏


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