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Dear Han Fei:

   I am so sorry to write to you after a long time. But better late than never, isn’t it? The thought of going out for a holiday excite almost everyone, and the summer holiday finally came. What is your plan for it? You know, we always made our holiday’s plan perfectly, but since it just came or even half of it have been passed, it were not taken seriously. For this reason, I think ,we must take our plan on action.

   By the way, I want to introduce you a good movie, which named “ The Terminal”. Do you know that film? That is a comedy which directed by Steven Spielbery and acted by Tom Hanks. It was adapted from a true story which happened 16 years ago.

   According to the movie, the hero of this film, who named Viktor Navorski, was forced to stay in the Kendey airport several months. Because when he just arrived the airport a military coup has occurred in his country Krakhozia and made him a citizen of nowhere.

   His good-heart, brave and talent of learning language changed his plight. I guess, this firm make a growing number of people to realize that optimism is not the sole prerequisite for happiness, but it must the most important one. I commend you to watch this movie, it really terrific!

In addition, I just changed my mailbox, so this is my new address: lin_lin19@sina.com ^ * ^ 

I like you to call me linlin.

                                                        Yours sincerely: linlin

posted @ 2005-07-10 14:22 linlin 阅读(1407) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
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posted @ 2005-06-28 13:59 linlin 阅读(211) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏