一直喜欢用 MySQL Front来管理数据库,前段时间还因为他被迫关闭而惋惜,近日浏览了下他们的主页,没想到 生命力是这么的强.
被迫关闭的MySQL Front 现在更名为SQL Front 继续开发,授权方式为开源,以下为原 mysqlfront.de 的注释:
MySQL-Front has been renamed to SQL-Front
MySQL-Front has been renamed to >> SQL-Front <<.
Please help to publish the new new name by posting it in a lot of forums,
and please update your links to this page.
Thanks a lot for your help!
We hope that humanity will learn to work together instead of fighting one another senselessly...
MySQL-Front has been renamed to >> SQL-Front <<.
posted on 2007-11-16 17:23
CoderDream 阅读(438)
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