目标:将形如(tppabs="js_3.htm#window 窗口对象")之类的问题替换成新的文字。
EditPlus(替换时注意选择"正则表达式"):^tppabs=".*" 如果末尾加美元符号($),则不行!
Eclipse的正则表达式插件:Regular Expression Tester
Eclipse Regular Expression Tester
- Test and search for regular expression
- Matches are colorized, for an easy visual clue
- Support for pattern flags (e.g. Pattern.DOTALL)
- LiveEval evaluates your regular expression while you are typing it, gives feedback on possible errors and shows any matches automatically
- LiveEval is supported for changes of the regular expression, the search text and the pattern flags
- 4 distinct match modes:
- Find a sequence of characters
- Match a complete text
- Split text
- Replace every occurence of the regex with a different string
Replacing supports back references ($1,$2,...)
- LiveEval for match mode changes
- Context sensitive "Regular Expression Assist"
- Selective evaluation of expressions
- Bracket Matching
- Generation of string literals based on the regexp, e.g. "\(x\)" becomes "\\(x\\)"
- De-escape patterns in your code, e.g. \\(x\\) becomes \(x\)
- Improved "Clear Menu", choose which parts of the view you would like to get cleared every time you press the clear button
- Easy movement through matches: Choose "Previous Match" or "Next Match" and cycle through all matches found.
- Polished and accessible user interface, everything is reachable via keyboard
Download the plugin
- Unzip it to ECLIPSE_HOME
- Restart Eclipse
- In Eclipse, choose Window > Show View > Other > RegEx Tester
- Configure it in Window > Preferences > RegEx Tester
If you like RegEx Tester, please rate it at
The plugin requires a 1.4 JRE/JDK and Eclipse 3.0 or later.
There is an old (sorry) user guide which can
also be found here.
posted on 2008-06-18 15:08
CoderDream 阅读(502)
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