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jdk1.6.21在eclipse 3.6下存在冲突的问题,但说的不是很详细,有人问到,那我就再说一下吧。这是这个官方就有说明的,在下载页面很明显的标出了,只是有的同学不是在官方下载的或者太粗心没注意到。我们看官方是怎么说的。

       The Eclipse 3.3 - 3.6 launchers for Windows had a problem with the Oracle/Sun Java VM version '1.6.0_21-b06'.

UPDATE: Oracle/Sun have released a respin of their JDK/JRE to fix this, so the recommended resolution of this problem is to download and re-install version 1.6.0_21-b07' or higher from (alternative link is Make sure you have b07 or higher by running java -version.

Before the fix was released, there were three choices to work around this:

  1. switch back to '1.6.0_20' (as of July 19, 2010 it can still be downloaded here)
  2. Change the commandline for launching or add the following line after "-vmargs" to your Eclipse.ini file:
    (Detailed instructions/examples)
  3. For 32-bit Helios, download the fixed eclipse_1308.dll and place it into

The Java bug was closed for voting and comments at 6969236 on the Java BugParade because the change has been reverted; the related Eclipse bug report is open for voting and comments at bug 319514.
(1)把JDK的版本降级到 jdk 1.6.0_20。下载地址:here

posted on 2010-11-18 14:32 CONAN 阅读(1110) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Eclipse