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goal:Remove the Oracle database form Linux platfrom completely
1.shutdown Oracle server and background processes.
$env |grep ORA //查看环境变量
$sqlplus /nolog
sql>conn / as sysdba//登录
sql>select instance_name from v$instance;//查看实例名称
sql>!ps -ef | grep ora//查看后台进程
sql>shutdown immediate//停止实例
sql>!ps -ef | grep ora//查看后台进程
2.stop oracle lister
$lsnrctl status//查看监听服务状态
3.remove all the subdirectories and subfiles which in $ORACLE_HOME directory
$rm -rf /u01
4.delete these three files: dbhome,oraenv,coraenv in the /usr/local/bin directory
#cd /usr/local/bin
#rm coraenv
#rm oraenv
#rm dbhome
5.delete the two files: oratab and oralnst.loc in the /etc directory
#cd /etc
#rm oratab
#rm oraInst.loc
6.delete the directory: ORCLfmap and all its subfiles in the /opt directory
#cd /opt
#rm -rf ORCLlamp
7.delete the oracle user and groups normally it would be oinstall and dba
#cat /etc/passwd
#cat /etc/group
#userdel oracle
#groupdel oinstall
#groupdel dba
#ps-ef |grep ORA
#lsnrctl status

posted on 2009-09-30 17:00 阅读(268) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

