Chan Chen Coding...

VIM Configure File for Backup Purpose

vi ~/vimrc

"Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
set nocompatible
" Turn on the verboseness to see everything vim is doing.
"set verbose=9
" Display Line Number
set nu
" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" I like 4 spaces for indenting
set shiftwidth=4
" I like 4 stops
set ts=4
" Spaces instead of tabs
"set expandtab
" Always  set auto indenting on
set autoindent
" select when using the mouse
set selectmode=mouse
" set the commandheight
set cmdheight=2
" do not keep a backup files 
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
" keep 100 lines of command line history
set history=100
" show the cursor position all the time
set ruler
" show (partial) commands
"set showcmd
" do incremental searches (annoying but handy);
" Vim will show the first match for the pattern, while you are still typing it. This quickly shows a typo in the pattern
set incsearch
" Vim will highlight all matches for the pattern with a yellow background
set hlsearch
" Show  tab characters. Visual Whitespace.
"set list
"set listchars=tab:>.
" Set ignorecase on
set ignorecase
" smart search (override 'ic' when pattern has uppers)
"set scs
" Set 'g' substitute flag on
" set gdefault
" Set status line
set statusline=[%02n]\ %f\ %(\[%M%R%H]%)%=\ %4l,%02c%2V\ %P%*
" Always display a status line at the bottom of the window
set laststatus=2
" Set vim to use 'short messages'.
" set shortmess=a
" Insert two spaces after a period with every joining of lines.
" I like this as it makes reading texts easier (for me, at least).
"set joinspaces
" showmatch: Show the matching bracket for the last ')'?
set showmatch
" allow tilde (~) to act as an operator -- ~w, etc.
"set notildeop
" Java specific stuff
"let java_highlight_all=1
"let java_highlight_debug=1
"let java_ignore_javadoc=1
"let java_highlight_functions=1
"let java_mark_braces_in_parens_as_errors=1

"Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
set nocompatible
" Turn on the verboseness to see everything vim is doing.
"set verbose=9
" Display Line Number
set nu
" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" I like 4 spaces for indenting
set shiftwidth=4
" I like 4 stops
set ts=4
" Spaces instead of tabs
"set expandtab
" Always  set auto indenting on
set autoindent
" select when using the mouse
set selectmode=mouse
" set the commandheight
set cmdheight=2
" do not keep a backup files 
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
" keep 100 lines of command line history
set history=100
" show the cursor position all the time
set ruler
" show (partial) commands
"set showcmd
" do incremental searches (annoying but handy);
" Vim will show the first match for the pattern, while you are still typing it. This quickly shows a typo in the pattern
set incsearch
" Vim will highlight all matches for the pattern with a yellow background
set hlsearch
" Show  tab characters. Visual Whitespace.
"set list
"set listchars=tab:>.
" Set ignorecase on
set ignorecase
" smart search (override 'ic' when pattern has uppers)
"set scs
" Set 'g' substitute flag on
" set gdefault
" Set status line
set statusline=[%02n]\ %f\ %(\[%M%R%H]%)%=\ %4l,%02c%2V\ %P%*
" Always display a status line at the bottom of the window
set laststatus=2
" Set vim to use 'short messages'.
" set shortmess=a
" Insert two spaces after a period with every joining of lines.
" I like this as it makes reading texts easier (for me, at least).
"set joinspaces
" showmatch: Show the matching bracket for the last ')'?
set showmatch
" allow tilde (~) to act as an operator -- ~w, etc.
"set notildeop
" Java specific stuff
"let java_highlight_all=1
"let java_highlight_debug=1
"let java_ignore_javadoc=1
"let java_highlight_functions=1
"let java_mark_braces_in_parens_as_errors=1
" ************************************************************************
" K E Y   M A P P I N G S
" pressing < or > will let you indent/unident selected lines
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
" Make tab in v mode work like I think it should (keep highlighting):
vmap <tab> >gv
vmap <s-tab> <gv
" Select all.
map <c-a> ggVG
" Undo in insert mode.
imap <c-z> <c-o>u

Silence, the way to avoid many problems;
Smile, the way to solve many problems;

posted on 2011-08-13 02:08 Chan Chen 阅读(271) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Linux


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