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Sleepycat Software makes Berkeley DB, the most widely used application-specific data management software in the world with more than 200 million deployments. Customers such as Amazon, AOL, British Telecom, Cisco Systems, EMC, Ericsson, Google, Hitachi, HP, Motorola, RSA Security, Sun Microsystems, TIBCO and Veritas also rely on Berkeley DB for fast, scalable, reliable and cost-effective data management for their mission-critical applications. 
译:Sleepycat软件公司出品的Berkeley DB是一种在特定的数据管理应用程序中广泛使用的数据库系统,在世界范围内有超过两亿的用户支持.许多世界知名的厂商,像Amazon, AOL, British Telecom, Cisco Systems, EMC, Ericsson, Google, Hitachi, HP, Motorola, RSA Security, Sun Microsystems, TIBCO 以及 Veritas都依赖于BDB为他们的许多关键性应用提供快速的,弹性的,可靠的,并且高性价比的数据管理.

mysql就是用BDB实现的(mysql的后台) 。mysql快,BDB比mysql还要快N倍。

BDB数据库不同与其他几种数据库--关系型(Relational databases),面向对象型(Object-oriented databases),网络数据库(Network databases),它是一种嵌入式(embeded databases)数据库。


(1)Berkeley DB is an open source embedded database library that provides scalable, high-performance, transaction-protected data management services to applications. Berkeley DB provides a simple function-call API for data access and management.
(2)Berkeley DB is embedded because it links directly into the application. It runs in the same address space as the application. As a result, no inter-process communication, either over the network or between processes on the same machine, is required for database operations. Berkeley DB provides a simple function-call API for a number of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Perl, Tcl, Python, and PHP. All database operations happen inside the library. Multiple processes, or multiple threads in a single process, can all use the database at the same time as each uses the Berkeley DB library. Low-level services like locking, transaction logging, shared buffer management, memory management, and so on are all handled transparently by the library.
译:BDB之所以是嵌入式数据库是因为它是直接连到应用程序中的。它和应用程序在同一内存空间运行。其结果是,不管应用程序是运行在同一台机器上还是运行在网络上,在进行数据库操作时,它都无需进行进程间通信。BDB为许多编程语言提供了函数接口,这些语言包括C, C++, Java, Perl, Tcl, Python, 和 PHP。所有的数据库操作都发生在函数库内部。多个进程,或者是一个进程中的多个线程,都可以同时使用BDB,因为它们实际是在调用BDB函数库。一些像locking, transaction logging, shared buffer management, memory management等等之类的低级服务都可以由函数库透明地处理。
(3)The library is extremely portable. It runs under almost all UNIX and Linux variants, Windows, and a number of embedded real-time operating systems. It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. It has been deployed on high-end Internet servers, desktop machines, and on palmtop computers, set-top boxes, in network switches, and elsewhere. Once Berkeley DB is linked into the application, the end user generally does not know that there's a database present at all.
译:BDB函数库是高度可移植的。它可以运行在几乎所有的UNIX和LINUX系统之上,也支持WINDOWS和多种嵌入式实时操作系统。它既可以运行在32位系统上,也可以运行在64位系统上。它活跃在高端服务器,桌面系统,掌上电脑,set-top boxes,网络交换机以及其它的一些领域。一旦BDB被连接到应用当中以后,终端用户一般是不知道后端数据库的存在的。
(4)Berkeley DB is scalable in a number of respects. The database library itself is quite compact (under 300 kilobytes of text space on common architectures), but it can manage databases up to 256 terabytes in size. It also supports high concurrency, with thousands of users operating on the same database at the same time. Berkeley DB is small enough to run in tightly constrained embedded systems, but can take advantage of gigabytes of memory and terabytes of disk on high-end server machines.
(5)Berkeley DB generally outperforms relational and object-oriented database systems in embedded applications for a couple of reasons. First, because the library runs in the same address space, no inter-process communication is required for database operations. The cost of communicating between processes on a single machine, or among machines on a network, is much higher than the cost of making a function call. Second, because Berkeley DB uses a simple function-call interface for all operations, there is no query language to parse, and no execution plan to produce.
(6)In contrast to most other database systems, Berkeley DB provides relatively simple data access services.Berkeley DB supports only a few logical operations on records. They are:

Insert a record in a table. 
Delete a record from a table. 
Find a record in a table by looking up its key. 
Update a record that has already been found. 

(7)Berkeley DB is not a standalone database server. It is a library, and runs in the address space of the application that uses it.It is possible to build a server application that uses Berkeley DB for data management. For example, many commercial and open source Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers use Berkeley DB for record storage. LDAP clients connect to these servers over the network. Individual servers make calls through the Berkeley DB API to find records and return them to clients. On its own, however, Berkeley DB is not a server.

Berkeley DB is an ideal database system for applications that need fast, scalable, and reliable embedded database management. For applications that need different services, however, it can be a poor choice.
Berkeley DB was conceived and built to provide fast, reliable, transaction-protected record storage. The library itself was never intended to provide interactive query support, graphical reporting tools, or similar services that some other database systems provide.We have tried always to err on the side of minimalism and simplicity. By keeping the library small and simple, we create fewer opportunities for bugs to creep in, and we guarantee that the database system stays fast, because there is very little code to execute. If your application needs that set of features, then Berkeley DB is almost certainly the best choice for you.


Silence, the way to avoid many problems;
Smile, the way to solve many problems;

posted on 2012-05-03 11:38 Chan Chen 阅读(935) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: DB

