Configuring ObjectGrid property files
In this step, you must configure the ObjectGrid property files to enable transport security.
First, copy the key.jks and trust.jks files into the objectgridRoot/security directory.
We set the following properties in the and file.
transportType=SSL-Required alias=ogsample contextProvider=IBMJSSE2 protocol=SSL keyStoreType=JKS keyStore=../security/key.jks keyStorePassword=ogpass trustStoreType=JKS trustStore=../security/trust.jks trustStorePassword=ogpass
transportType: The value of transportType is set to "SSL-Required", which means the transport requires SSL. So all the ObjectGrid endpoints (clients, catalog servers, and container servers) should have SSL configuration set and all transport communication will be encrypted.
The other properties are used to set the SSL configurations. See Transport layer security and secure sockets layer for a detailed explanation. Make sure you follow the instructions in this topic to update your file.
Make sure you follow this page to update your file.
In the file, you must add an additional property clientAuthentication and set it to false. On the server side, you do not need to trust the client.
Run the application
The commands are the same as the commands in the Java SE security tutorial - Step 3 topic.
Use the following commands to start a catalog server.
- Navigate to the bin directory: cd objectgridRoot/bin
- Start the catalog server:
![[Linux]]( catalogServer -clusterSecurityFile ../security/security.xml -serverProps ../security/ -JMXServicePort 11001 -jvmArgs"../security/og_jaas.config"
startOgServer.bat catalogServer -clusterSecurityFile ../security/security.xml -serverProps ../security/ -JMXServicePort 11001 -jvmArgs"../security/og_jaas.config"
The security.xml and files were created in the Java SE security tutorial - Step 2 page.
Use the -JMXServicePort option to explicitly specify the JMX port for the server. This option is required to use the xsadmin command.
Run a secure ObjectGrid container server:
- Navigate to the bin directory again: cd objectgridRoot/bin
Notice the following differences from the previous container server start command:
- Use SecureSimpleApp.xml instead of SimpleApp.xml
- Add another to set the JAAS authorization policy file to the container server process.
Run the following command for client authentication:
- cd objectgridRoot/bin
javaHome/java -classpath ../lib/objectgrid.jar;../applib/secsample.jar ../security/ manager manager1
Because user "manager" has permission to all the maps in the accounting ObjectGrid, the application runs successfully.
You may also use xsadmin to show the mapsizes of the "accounting" grid.
- Navigate to the directory objectgridRoot/bin.
- Use the xsadmin command with option -mapSizes as follows.
![[Unix]]( -g accounting -m mapSet1 -mapsizes -p 11001 -ssl -trustpath ..\security\trust.jks -trustpass ogpass -trusttype jks -username manager -password manager1
xsadmin.bat -g accounting -m mapSet1 -mapsizes -p 11001 -ssl -trustpath ..\security\trust.jks -trustpass ogpass -trusttype jks -username manager -password manager1
Notice we specify the JMX port of the catalog service using -p 11001 here.
You see the following output.
This administrative utility is provided as a sample only and is not to be considered a fully supported component of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product. Connecting to Catalog service at localhost:1099 *********** Displaying Results for Grid - accounting, MapSet - mapSet1 *********** *** Listing Maps for c0 *** Map Name: customer Partition #: 0 Map Size: 1 Shard Type: Primary Server Total: 1 Total Domain Count: 1
Running the application with an incorrect key store
If your trust store does not contain the public certificate of the private key in the key store, you will get an exception complaining that the key cannot be trusted.
In order to show this, create another key store key2.jks.
keytool -genkey -alias ogsample -keystore key2.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg rsa -dname "CN=ogsample, OU=Your Organizational Unit, O=Your Organization, L=Your City, S=Your State, C=Your Country" -storepass ogpass -keypass ogpass -validity 3650
Then modify the to make the keyStore point to this new key store key2.jks:
Run the following command to start the catalog server:
- Navigate to bin: cd objectgridRoot/bin
- Start the catalog server:
![[Linux]]( c0 -objectGridFile ../xml/SecureSimpleApp.xml -deploymentPolicyFile ../xml/SimpleDP.xml -catalogServiceEndPoints localhost:2809 -serverProps ../security/ -jvmArgs"../security/og_jaas.config""../security/og_auth.policy"
startOgServer.bat c0 -objectGridFile ../xml/SecureSimpleApp.xml -deploymentPolicyFile ../xml/SimpleDP.xml -catalogServiceEndPoints localhost:2809 -serverProps ../security/ -jvmArgs"../security/og_jaas.config""../security/og_auth.policy"
You see the following exception:
Caused by: SSL connection fails and plain socket cannot be used.
Finally, change the file back to use the key.jks file.