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EPIC - Perl Editor and IDE for Eclipse

EPIC is an open source Perl IDE (including editor and debugger) based on the Eclipse platform, compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Before installing EPIC you need Eclipse, Java, and Perl on your system. An optional PadWalker module is needed for debugging. 

Install steps:

1. install Eclipse 3.4 or newer

2. After starting Eclipse select Help > Software Updates... from the menu and switch to the Available Software tab. Click the Add Site... button and enter:

3. download and install activeperl 5.8.8

4. If you wish to use the debugger, make sure that the Perl module PadWalker, version 1.0 or later, is installed as part of your Perl distribution.

    EPIC is unable to display values of local variables without PadWalker and will tell you so

    Under Windows, using ActiveState's PPM (perl package manager) to download and install Padwalker package

5. restart eclipse ->create perl project

6. finish above steps, you can debug your perl script in perl project like debug java coding.

As for more detailed info, you can refer to http://www.epic-ide.org/index.php or http://www.epic-ide.org/guide/index.php

posted on 2009-05-25 15:41 大胃王的BLOG 阅读(979) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 工作日志