Posted on 2006-09-27 23:51
小小凉粉 阅读(262)
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然后是一些常用的术语(from AOSD wiki):
concern is an area of interest or focus in a system. Concerns are the
primary criteria for decomposing software into smaller, more manageable
and comprehensible parts that have meaning to a software engineer.
that crosscutting is a relationship between representations of
concerns. Note also that it is a symmetric relationship. Therefore, if:
1. A is a representation of one a concern,
2. B is a representation of another concern, and
3. A crosscuts B,
then B also crosscuts A.
This means that the term "crosscutting concerns" is often misused in
two ways: To talk about a single concern, and to talk about concerns
rather than representations of concerns. Consider "synchronization is a
crosscutting concern": we don't know that synchronization is
crosscutting unless we know what it crosscuts. And there may be
representations of the concerns involved that are not crosscutting.
aspect(方面):Aspects are one kind of concern in software development.
joint point(联接点):Join
points are those elements of the programming language semantics which
the aspects coordinate with. Nowadays, there are various join point
models around and still new under development. They heavily depend on
the underlying programming language and AO language.
In a
number of presently available AOP languages, a join point is a region
in the dynamic control flow of an application. Thus a join point can
for instance represent
* a call to a method,
* execution of a method,
* the event of setting a field,
* the event of handling an exception ...
Join points can be picked up by an AOP program by using pointcuts to
match on them. Depending on the pointcut language the AOP language
provides, it may be possible to pick up more or less of those join
points. Since join points are dynamic, it may be possible to expose
runtime information such as the caller or callee of a method from a
join point to a matching pointcut.
a number of AOP languages, advice consists of a pointcut and a body.
The body executes at join points the pointcut matches. This pointcut
may expose runtime information to the advice body.
(from Without EJB):A set of join points,defined to specify when an
advice should fire.Pointcuts are often described using either regular
expressions or another wildcard syntax.
(from Wiki)In a number
of AOP languages, a pointcut is a predicate over dynamic join points,
meaning that given a certain dynamic join point, a pointcut can either
match this join point or not (at runtime). Another view of pointcuts is
often, that they represent sets of join points. A pointcut may expose
runtime information to a piece of advice.
process of coordinating aspects and non-aspects. Weaving can be done
explicitly or implicitly, and can be done at a variety of times ranging
from by-hand weaving when code is written, through compile-time,
post-compile time and load time, up to runtime.
Without EJB中有个例子很好的解释了一下上面的术语:
public class MyBusinessObject implements BusinessObject{
public void businessMethod1() throws UnauthorizedException{
public void businessMethod2() throws UnauthorizedException{
public void requiresNoSecurityCheck() {
public void doSecurityCheck() throws UnauthorizedException{
这里,安全检查就是一个aspect,需要进行安全检查的这几个方法就是join point。而由于不是所有的方法都需要进行安全检查,所以就需要用pointcut来进行匹配。
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
public class SecurityInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor{
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation)throws Throwable{
return invocation.proceed();
public void doSecurityCheck{}