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业精于勤而荒于嬉 QQ:150355677

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       max (text) text,

       sum (regexp_substr(add_text, '[0-9]+' , 1 ,n) -- 依次找出第 N 个数字


           decode(regexp_substr( '+' ||add_text, '[^0-9]' , 1 ,n), '+' , 1 ,- 1 )) -- 依次找出 +|- ,然后在后面的数字上乘以系数

       -- 以上 sum 计算了所有 +|- 运算的总合计值


       nvl( sum (( select decode(substr(regexp_substr( '+' ||text, '[+|-]([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 1 ,n), 1 , 1 ), '+' , 1 ,- 1 )

                                     -- 找出 +|- 开头,并紧跟数字、 [*|/] 、数字的部分,依次根据第一位来判定系数


       power( 10 , Sum ( Log ( 10 ,decode(regexp_substr( '*' ||regexp_substr(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 1 ,n), '[^0-9]' , 1 , rownum ),

                                                     -- 找出第 n 个数字、 [*|/] 、数字相连的部分

                                  -- 排除数字,找出前面找到的部分中的第 rownum 个非数字的字符 ( 最前面加 *)

                                  '*' ,

                                  regexp_substr(regexp_substr(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 1 ,n), '[0-9]+' , 1 , rownum ),

                                  -- 如果是 '*' 则,则直接找到 * 后面的数字部分

                                  1 /regexp_substr(regexp_substr(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 1 ,n), '[0-9]+' , 1 , rownum )

                                  -- 如果不是 '*'( /) ,则用 1/NUM


       -- 外层通关 LOG POWER 函数,把乘除法转换为加减法

       from dual connect by rownum <=len) -- 在这里再做一层循环,用于计算乘除法

       ) , 0 ) wanted


       ( select,


               length(regexp_replace(text, '[0-9]+' ))+ 1 len, -- 去掉数字计算运算符个数

               regexp_replace(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 0 ) add_text -- *|/ 操作的数均用 0 代替

          from t_mar a) a,

       ( select rownum n from dual connect by rownum < 100 ) b

  where a.len>=b.n -- 可以直接形成从 1 a.len 的循环操作

  group by id

  order by id ;


    除了一些转化、分类的思想之外,主要就是用到了正则表达式,再把Oracle 10g中的正则表达式规则也贴一下:

\      The backslash character can have four different meanings depending on

      the context. It can:

       Stand for itself

       Quote the next character

       Introduce an operator

       Do nothing

*      Matches zero or more occurrences

+      Matches one or more occurrences

?      Matches zero or one occurrence

|      Alternation operator for specifying alternative matches

^      Matches the beginning of a string by default. In multiline mode, it matches

      the beginning of any line anywhere within the source string.

$      Matches the end of a string by default. In multiline mode, it matches the

      end of any line anywhere within the source string.

.      Matches any character in the supported character set except NULL

[ ]    Bracket expression for specifying a matching list that should match any

      one of the expressions represented in the list. A nonmatching list

      expression begins with a circumflex (^) and specifies a list that matches

      any character except for the expressions represented in the list.

( )    Grouping expression, treated as a single subexpression

{m}    Matches exactly m times

{m,}   Matches at least m times

{m,n} Matches at least m times but no more than n times

\n     The backreference expression (n is a digit between 1 and 9) matches the nth

      subexpression enclosed between '(' and ')' preceding the \n

[..]   Specifies one collation element, and can be a multicharacter element (for

      example, [.ch.] in Spanish)

[: :] Specifies character classes (for example, [:alpha:]). It matches any character

      within the character class.

[==]   Specifies equivalence classes. For example, [=a=] matches all characters

      having base letter 'a'.

    这样就比较完整了,至于regexp_substrregexp_replace主要查询《SQL Reference》就可以了

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[0-9]' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 所有数字每个都用 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[0-9]+' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 所有数字相邻的用 1 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[*|/]' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 所有 * / 每个都用 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[*|/]+' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 所有 * / 相邻的用 1 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[0-9]+[*|/]+' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 数字和 * 或数字和 / 相邻的用 1 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 数字和 *|/ 和数字相邻的用 1 0 代替

select text,regexp_replace(text, '[^0-9]' , 0 ) from t_mar -- 除了数字别的字符每个都用 0 代替

select text,regexp_substr(text, '([0-9]+[*|/]+)+[0-9]+' , 1 , 1 ) from t_mar -- 找到第 1 个数字、 [*|/] 、数字相连的部分

select regexp_substr( '34*66_50#$@(97)5' , '[^0-9]' , 2 , 4 ) from dual -- 找到从第 2 位开始的第 4 个非数字字符



posted on 2008-12-29 21:17 decode360 阅读(187) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 05.SQL

