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Hardware Requirements
Oracle9i Database and Oracle9i Management and Integration top-level components require the following hardware components:
    ·RAM: 128 MB (256 MB recommended)
    ·Virtual Memory: Initial Size 200 MB, Maximum Size 400 MB
    ·Video Adapter: 256 color
        See Also:
            "Installations Meeting Minimal Memory Requirements"
Oracle9i Client top-level component requires 128 MB of RAM, 256 MB of RAM is recommended.
Space Requirements
The requirements for Custom depend upon the components selected for installation.
FAT space requirements are listed in Table 2-2 and NTFS space requirements are listed in Table 2-3.
Table 2-2 Hard Disk Space Requirements for FAT  
Installation Type           System Drive        Oracle Home Drive
--------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------
Enterprise Edition         140 MB             4.75 GB
Standard Edition           140 MB             4.5 GB
Personal Edition           140 MB             4.75 GB
Administrator               90 MB              1.5 GB
Runtime                    50 MB              400 MB
Oracle Management Server   100 MB             1.5 GB
Oracle Internet Directory  50 MB              4 GB
Table 2-3 Hard Disk Space Requirements for NTFS  
Installation Type           System Drive        Oracle Home Drive
--------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------
Enterprise Edition         140 MB             2.85 GB
Standard Edition           140 MB             2.8 GB
Personal Edition           140 MB             2.75 GB
Administrator              90 MB              790 MB
Runtime                    50 MB              150 MB
Oracle Management Server   100 MB             945 MB
Oracle Internet Directory  50 MB              2.3 GB (includes database)

Check the Hardware Requirements
The following hardware components are required for Oracle Database:
Table 1 Hardware Requirements
Requirement                 Minimum Value
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Physical memory (RAM)       256 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended
Virtual memory             Double the amount of RAM
Disk space                 Basic Installation Type total: 2.04 GB
                            Advanced Installation Types total: 1.94 GB
                            See Table 2 for details.
Video adapter              256 colors
Processor                  550 MHz minimum
Hard Disk Space Requirements

Table 2 lists the space requirements for NTFS. The starter database requires 1.03 GB of disk space. The figures in this table include the starter database. FAT32 space requirements are slightly larger.
Table 2 Disk Space Requirements for NTFS
Installation Type                          TEMP Space  C:\Program Files\Oracle  Oracle Home  Datafiles *   Total
------------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------ ------------ ------------- ------------
Basic Installation                         125 MB      3.1 MB                   905 MB       1.03 GB       2.04 GB
Advanced Installation: Enterprise Edition125 MB     3.1 MB                   905 MB **    950 MB **     1.94 GB **
Advanced Installation: Standard Edition   125 MB     3.1 MB                  905 MB **   950 MB **    1.94 GB **
Advanced Installation: Personal Edition   125 MB     3.1 MB                  905 MB **   950 MB **    1.94 GB **
* Refers to the contents of the admin, flash_recovery_area, and oradata directories in the ORACLE_BASE directory.
** This size can be higher depending on the installation options selected, such as languages or additional components. If you choose to install Oracle Database with automated backups enabled, include at least 2 GB extra for datafile disk space.
See Also:

To ensure that the system meets these requirements, follow these steps:
1. Determine the physical RAM size. For a computer using Windows 2003, for example, open System in the Windows Control Panel and select the General tab. If the size of the physical RAM installed in the system is less than the required size, then you must install more memory before continuing.
2. Determine the size of the configured virtual memory (also known as paging file size). For a computer using Windows 2003, for example, open System in the Control Panel, select the Advanced tab, and click Settings in the Performance section. Then select the Advanced tab. The virtual memory is listed in the Virtual Memory section.
    If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information about how to configure additional virtual memory.
3. Determine the amount of free disk space on the system. For a computer using Windows 2003, for example, open My Computer, right-click the drive where the Oracle software is to be installed, and choose Properties.
4. Determine the amount of disk space available in the temp directory. This is equivalent to the total amount of free disk space, minus what will be needed for the Oracle software to be installed.
    If there is less than 125 MB of disk space available in the temp directory, then first delete all unnecessary files. If the temp disk space is still less than 125 MB, then set the TEMP or TMP environment variable to point to a different hard drive. For a computer using Windows 2003, for example, open System in the Control Panel, select the Advanced tab, and click Environment Variables.

Check the Hardware Requirements
The following hardware components are required for installing Oracle Database:
Table 1 Hardware Requirements
Requirement                 Minimum Value
--------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Physical memory (RAM)      1 GB minimum
Virtual memory             Double the amount of RAM
Disk space                 Total: 4.76 GB
Video adapter              256 colors
Processor                  550 MHz minimum
                            (On Windows Vista, 800 MHz minimum)
                            See Table 2 for details.
Hard Disk Space Requirements
Table 2 lists the space requirements on NTFS. The starter database requires 1.55 GB of disk space. The figures in this table include the starter database. FAT32 space requirements are slightly higher.
Table 2 Disk Space Requirements on NTFS
Installation Type                          TEMP Space C:\Program Files\Oracle Oracle Home Datafiles *   Total
------------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------ ------------ ------------- ------------
Basic Installation                        200 MB     3.1 MB                  2.96 GB     1.60 GB      4.76 GB
Advanced Installation: All Editions       200 MB     3.1 MB                  2.96 GB **  1.60 GB **   4.76 GB **
* Refers to the contents of the admin, cfgtoollogs, flash_recovery_area, and oradata directories in the ORACLE_BASE directory.
** This size can be higher depending on the installation options selected, such as languages or additional components. If you choose to install Oracle Database with automated backups enabled, include at least 2 GB extra for data file disk space.
See Also:

To ensure that the system meets these requirements, follow these steps:
1. Determine the physical RAM size. For example, on a Windows 2003 computer, open System in the Windows Control Panel and select the General tab. If the size of the physical RAM installed in the system is less than the required size, then you must install more memory before continuing.
2. Determine the size of the configured virtual memory (also known as paging file size). For example, on a Windows 2003 computer, open System, select the Advanced tab, and click Settings in the Performance section. Then select the Advanced tab. The virtual memory is listed in the Virtual Memory section.
    If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information about how to configure additional virtual memory.
3. Determine the amount of free disk space on the system. For example, on a Windows 2003 computer, open My Computer, right-click the drive where the Oracle software is to be installed, and choose Properties.
4. Determine the amount of disk space available in the temp directory. This is equivalent to the total amount of free disk space, minus what will be needed for the Oracle software to be installed.
    If there is less than 125 MB of disk space available in the temp directory, then first delete all unnecessary files. If the temp disk space is still less than 125 MB, then set the TEMP or TMP environment variable to point to a different hard drive. For example, on a Windows 2003 computer, open System, select the Advanced tab, and click Environment Variables.

posted on 2009-04-19 20:53 decode360 阅读(330) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 16.Others

