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业精于勤而荒于嬉 QQ:150355677

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    最近在机子上装了一些软件之后,机子出了点问题,所有的exe工具文件(甚至包括一些cmd下的命令),都无法直接打开执行了,必须要输全整个文件名,例如 sqlplus.exe 。在问了一圈同事之后(不包括我们的系统管理员),居然还是没有一个准确的答案。最后询问了系统管理员之后,发现只是因为简单的环境变量设置问题,真是感叹大家对操作系统的白痴了 -_-|||
Windows XP’s Run command provides a quick and easy way for experienced users to open files without the need to navigate through the Start menu or browse folders looking for a file. For example, if you type cmd.exe at the Run command and press Enter, a Command Prompt windows will open. Type msconfig.exe and the System Configuration Utility does the same.
You may also be aware of the fact that its not always necessary to enter certain file extensions when using the Run command. For example, entering just the filename portion of the command - say, cmd rather than cmd.exe - if OK because the EXE file extension is one of those tried by XP when an extension isn’t supplied. XP will attempt to use a number of file extensions when you don’t provide one, as dictated by its declared PATHEXT variables.
By default, the following PATHEXT system variables are declared by XP: .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH. One notable one that isn’t present is the .MSC extension used by saved MMC consoles. If you want pre-built consoles like the Services MMC to open without needing to type its full filename - services.msc - at the Run command, then you’ll need to add .MSC to the XP’s PATHEXT variable.
To add a new file extension to XP’s PATHEXT system variable, follow these steps:
1. Open the System applet in Control Panel.
2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click the Environment Variables button.
3. Double-click the PATHEXT variable in the System variables section and then click Edit.
4. After the .WSH entry, type a semi-colon and then type .MSC (no spaces required) and then click OK.
5. Reboot your system and then attempt to open the Services MMC from the Run command by simply typing services and then click OK.
    Windows XP的“运行”命令为一些有经验的用户提供了一个简单快速的方法来打开文件,而不再需要通过“开始”目录,或在文件夹中寻找文件。例如:当我再“运行”窗口中输入 cmd.exe 并点击确定时,命令行窗口就直接被打开了。同样的,输入 msconfig.exe 后,可以直接打开“系统配置”界面。
    PATHEXT系统变量默认的声明如下:.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH 。需要注意的是 .MSC 扩展名并不在此之列。这个后缀的文件用来打开XP的管理控制台。如果你希望打开类似Services这类MMC文件,而不在“运行”窗口输入文件全名(services.msc),那么就需要将.MSC 添加到XP的PATHEXT变量中。
    1、打开控制面板 - 性能和维护 - 系统
@echo off
echo '%0' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
echo  或批处理文件。
posted on 2009-06-01 20:33 decode360 阅读(4526) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 02.Windows

