everything is refactoring

beyond the limitation of the life




The day in Gothenburg

    This is the second times I work and stay in Sweden for couple of months. Everytime , the task is significant important important or even accompanying with political issues. However, I learn and improve in the end since here such a palce like paradise make me cool down and think a lot of the merit of life.
    Single task , clear object,dead line and so on.For me , there are always some challenging business waiting for me. I don't  stride untill I find it has value for me. Is it strange? Acctually , it is the value of Drutt which I just observe in Gothenburg.
    It is late , time to sleep.Good dream my friends ^_^

posted on 2007-10-30 07:08 refactoring 重构 阅读(171) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

