1,cd [oracle_home]\rdbms\admin;
2, run @utlxplan;
3, create public synonym plan_table to public; --no need to run in oracle10,oracle default
4, grant all on plan_table to public;--no need to run in oracle10,oracle default, here public can be any user;
----create role plustrace and grant it to user
1, cd [oracle_home]\sqlplus\admin;
2, conn sqlplus as sysdba;
3, run @plustrce;
4, grant plustrace to public;
1, conn sqlplus with user scott;
1.1, set autotrace on;
2, run : select * from dual;
3, show stat info;
--1.1 可选项: set autotrace off: 不生成报告,默认;
set autotrace on explain: 报告只显示优化器执行路径;
set autotrace on statistics: 报告只显示sql语句执行统计信息;
set autotrace on: 报告显示优化器执行路径,sql语句统计信息;
set autotrace traceonly: 报告显示优化器执行路径,sql语句统计信息,不显示查询输出;
ref:oracle 9i、10g编程艺术。
posted on 2009-03-16 22:35
donnie 阅读(106)
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