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Chapter One Introduction

1.1. New in this Version (0.8.1)

I have added Appendix A-8 which contains a full-blown, annotated example of how to
create a sales order.

1.2. Disclaimer

This text is a preliminary, incomplete version of a book that I will publish on
programming with JCo. The complete book will have much more information. No guarantee
is given for the technical accuracy of any information in this text. We are not
responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the presented information or
running the associated sample programs.

1.3. What is JCo?

SAP's Java middleware, the SAP Java Connector (JCo) allows SAP customers and partners
to easily build SAP-enabled components and applications in Java. JCo supports both
inbound (Java calls ABAP) and outbound (ABAP calls Java) calls in desktop and (web)server applications.

1.4. Goal and Scope of This Text

This text wants to teach you how to build client applications using JCo. You are supposed
to already know Java. Some understanding of SAP would also be helpful, but you should
be able to get by even if you do not know much about SAP yet. We will cover all relevant
aspects of client programming (where Java calls SAP). The final version of this text will
also introduce outbound (server) programming.
This text does not make the study of the JCo documentation superfluous. It is probably a
good idea to look at the Javadocs for the various classes in a separate window while you
work through this text.
To try out the accompanying sample programs, you need only1 a JDK and JCo installed,
but a decent development environment (like JBuilder2) would make your life a lot easier.

1.5. Organization of This Text

In order not to confuse beginners, advanced material is presented in Appendix A. The text will tell you which chapter in this appendix will give you more in-depth information
about a topic. Appendix B is a listing of the sample programs associated with this text.
posted on 2005-11-30 18:00 Dr.Magic 阅读(1376) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

